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How to construct a WFS-URL that both filters on an attribute and uses a boudingbox filter

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02-06-2015 02:00 PM
New Contributor

Dear community,


In an attempt not to request too many features from a WFS i'd like to apply both a attribute filter and a bounding box/envelope. Although these two types of filters seem to be "mutually exclusive" according to the OGC specification, I was wondering if they could somehow be combined within a single filter through for example the use of the AND-operator. Anyone any advise? I am working on the following WFS:


What I've tried, but doesn't work out is:


1:Via the url xmlns=&quot; xmlns:gml= xmlns:xsi= xmlns:bag= xsi:schemaLocation= &quot;><And><ogc:BBOX><ogc:PropertyName>Shape</ogc:PropertyName><gml:Box srsName=&quot;urn:x-ogc:def:crs:EPSG:28992&quot;><gml:coordinates>508576,107240 510167,109000</gml:coordinates></gml:Box></ogc:BBOX><Within><PropertyIsEqualTo><PropertyName>status</PropertyName><Literal>Bouwvergunning verleend</Literal></PropertyIsEqualTo></Within></And></ogc:Filter>


2:via use of the xml-filter expression






      <ogc:Literal>Bouwvergunning verleend</ogc:Literal>



      <gml:Envelope srsDimension="2" srsName="urn:ogc:def:crs:EPSG::28992">

        <gml:lowerCorner>107240 508576</gml:lowerCorner>

        <gml:upperCorner>109000 510167</gml:upperCorner>






source used:


Any advice is much appreciated!



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1 Solution

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Together with my colleague Gert-Jan van Weijden I found a solution for combining a spatial filter and an attribute filter in a WFS-request. As expected this only works when integrating both query-expressions within the filter-statement, as these criteria rule eachother out otherwise:

After extensive experimenting with formulating ogc-compliant requests, Gert-Jan pointed out the option of using a much more straightforward CQL-filter, which is an extension on Geoserver.

Using the cql-approach worked fine when combining a bounding box with an attribute filter for:

The full successful request (which as intended renders only the municipality of Almere and not Breda, because only Almere lies within de defined bounding box):

However using the same formula for the BAG-WFS, wasn’t directly successful. As it turned out “geom.”  - from the URL above - refers to the property name of the geometry-field (and should do so). Since the geometry-field of the BAG-WFS is “geometrie” , “geom” should be replaced here for “geometrie”. Having made this substitution renders the following successful request for the BAG-WFS.,107240,507000,109000,509000,%27EPSG:28992%27)and(status=%27Bouwvergunning verleend%27))

View solution in original post

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1 Reply
New Contributor

Together with my colleague Gert-Jan van Weijden I found a solution for combining a spatial filter and an attribute filter in a WFS-request. As expected this only works when integrating both query-expressions within the filter-statement, as these criteria rule eachother out otherwise:

After extensive experimenting with formulating ogc-compliant requests, Gert-Jan pointed out the option of using a much more straightforward CQL-filter, which is an extension on Geoserver.

Using the cql-approach worked fine when combining a bounding box with an attribute filter for:

The full successful request (which as intended renders only the municipality of Almere and not Breda, because only Almere lies within de defined bounding box):

However using the same formula for the BAG-WFS, wasn’t directly successful. As it turned out “geom.”  - from the URL above - refers to the property name of the geometry-field (and should do so). Since the geometry-field of the BAG-WFS is “geometrie” , “geom” should be replaced here for “geometrie”. Having made this substitution renders the following successful request for the BAG-WFS.,107240,507000,109000,509000,%27EPSG:28992%27)and(status=%27Bouwvergunning verleend%27))

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