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How to add Multibeam Bathymetry data as a Layer on map?

04-26-2022 09:58 AM
Emerging Contributor


I'm new to the Multibeam Bathymetry data and trying to add it to the map using JS API. I've been looking for the resources for support of these data unfortunately I've found that Esri has the support for Bathymetry data in ArcGIS for Desktop But there is no documentation available for JS API.

My Multibeam Bathymetry file formats are gsf

Example file: `0000_20170906_224610_EX1708_MB-EM302.gsf.mb121`

Could someone please provide information to load Multibeam Bathymetry with JS API?

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2 Replies
Esri Contributor


GSF is not a format currently supported by Esri. You can import your data into the ArcGIS platform by first exporting them as GeoTiffs before importing them to your web map.

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New Contributor

How Can i do that..? Are there any open tools available to convert gsf files to GeoTiffs..?

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