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Give multiple colour to Simple Marker

06-30-2022 01:25 AM
New Contributor

Hi all,


i am trying to make a simple marker object , i want to give different colours to different shapes i have created in a single simple marker using path  below.

M2469 5022 c-411 -420 -853 -936 -1170 -1367 -356 -483 -607 -940
-708 -1290 -52 -181 -64 -374 -36 -592 90 -689 519 -1279 1147 -1577 496 -236
1065 -258 1578 -63 278 106 504 253 714 463 308 308 497 677 572 1119 25 145
25 422 0 535 -138 633 -742 1532 -1761 2620 -117 124 -218 230 -226 237 -13
10 -31 -4 -110 -85z m249 -1533 c346 -37 642 -179 888 -425 443 -443 555
-1121 279 -1686 -356 -729 -1242 -1030 -1970 -671 -615 303 -939 990 -784
1657 43 181 126 364 236 520 74 104 235 265 339 339 297 210 656 305 1012 266z
M2459 3309 c-582 -47 -1063 -487 -1164 -1064 -20 -116 -20 -319 0
-434 91 -525 488 -935 1015 -1048 119 -25 391 -25 510 0 507 109 894 492 1005
997 22 101 31 337 16 442 -57 395 -290 740 -636 942 -147 85 -347 149 -505
161 -41 3 -91 7 -110 9 -19 2 -78 -1 -131 -5z m381 -684 l0 -325 325 0 325 0
0 -275 0 -275 -325 0 -325 0 0 -320 0 -320 -275 0 -275 0 0 320 0 320 -325 0
-325 0 0 275 0 275 325 0 325 0 0 325 0 325 275 0 275 0 0 -325z
M2470 2440 l0 -320 -320 0 -320 0 0 -95 0 -95 320 0 320 0 0 -320 0
-320 95 0 95 0 0 320 0 320 320 0 320 0 0 95 0 95 -320 0 -320 0 0 320 0 320
-95 0 -95 0 0 -320z


can anyone please help

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