I have a webpage with a map view filled with features. I need to generate a report in PDF from this webpage, with a PDF-page for every feature. On top of the page, I need a zoomed-in image of the feature on a map. What's the best way to achieve this? I am able to zoom to the features with Javascript commands so I could iterate over all of them and make separate screenshots. But this zooming process takes some time, and would take a lot of time when there are 100+ features. Is there another way? I read about resquesting images from a server. Is there a good example that sets me in the right direction?
Thank you.
A Map Series has the ability to create a separate page for each feature:
MapSeries—ArcGIS Pro | Documentation
To be able to leverage this in your web page, you could create a geoprocessing service. The geoprocessing service would take parameters, such as the extent and then create a map series. The resulting pdfs could then be zipped up and returned as the result of the geoprocessing service.
You will need access to ArcGIS Enterprise to host the geoprocessing service and also do some coding in Python.
Thank you.