Hi guys, I'd like to have a list displayed external to the webMap in my app that shows all features in the current extent. And then the user should be able to zoom/pan and have the list automatically update with only the features available in the new extent (after zooming/panning).
See image to see the functionality I am trying to implement:
The results of a search should be displayed on a map as well as the map being able to filter (as user drags/zooms).
How can I get a list of features that is dynamically tied to the extent?
I know this is a late message, but you can achieve this by doing the following:
const getAllLayerViews = mapView.map.allLayers.map(layer => mapView.whenLayerView(layer));
const layerViews = await Promise.all(getAllLayerViews);
layerViews.forEach(layerView => {
// monitor layer loading status
const watchUpdatesHandle = watch(
() => layerView.updating,
updating => {
const layer = getLayerFromId(layerView.layer.id, layers);
if (!layer) {
controller.broadcast("layerLoadingStatus", {
layer: layer,
isLoading: updating
// if it finished loading, then broadcast visible features
if (!updating && isQueryable(layerView.layer)) {
const allQuery = new Query();
allQuery.geometry = mapView.extent;
allQuery.spatialRelationship = "intersects";
.then(visibleFeatures => {
controller.broadcast("visibleFeaturesChanged", {
layer: layer,
features: visibleFeatures
// clean up when the layer is destructed
This snippet starts off by watching the loading status of all layers available on your webmap (using ESRI's `watch` utility - very useful and more resources about that here: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/api-reference/esri-core-reactiveUtils.html)
Then once the layer is no longer loading, check if the `layer` supports the `queryFeatures` method, if it does, then we create a new filter which uses the extent/viewport of the map itself in the `Query`. Finally, broadcast these changes to your UI so that it informs you of what is currently visible in the map view.