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gas price JSON mashup example - using generateRendererTask instead

08-04-2014 08:22 AM
Honored Contributor

I need to combine my JSON file to an existing featureLayer, adding additional attributes that I want to use to render my polygons.  I'm using the example  I have stepped through my graphics and at the end of that looping, my featureLayer has the new attributes I need.  That example is calculating the class breaks manually, but I'd like to use the generateRendererTask instead.

I know I am getting lost in the order of the events.  Once I have the new attributes I want to use one of them as the classification field for the renderer.  In the functions that I define it, it doesn't yet recognize that attribute as being available. Putting my breakpoints in right after I've looped through the graphics, I believe that it's there.  I'm not calling the render functions correctly, or I need to have an event listener set up for the featureLayer.  In the original example, there is an update-end listener on the featureLayer.  I"m not sure what that's for.  I have moved my call to generateClassBreaks to different positions, but I continue to get the error that it can't find my classification field "CROP", which is one of the attributes I introduced from the JSON file.

<!doctype html>



    <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">

    <meta name="viewport" content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no">


    <link rel="stylesheet" href="">

    <link rel="stylesheet" href="css/style.css">

    <script type="text/javascript" >var dojoConfig = {

      parseOnLoad: false,


          packages: [{

        name: "extras",

        location: location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, "") + "/extras"




    <script  type="text/javascript" src=""></script>

    <script type="text/javascript" >

      var pathName = "https://myserverURL";

      var defaultFrom = "#feedde";

      var defaultTo = "#e75303";

      var interval = 5;  //used to generate renderer


        "dojo/parser", "dojo/json",  "dojo/_base/array",  "dojo/_base/connect",  "esri/Color",

        "dojo/number",  "dojo/dom-construct",       

        "esri/map",  "esri/geometry/Extent","esri/SpatialReference", "esri/symbols/SimpleLineSymbol",

        "esri/symbols/SimpleFillSymbol", "esri/renderers/SimpleRenderer", "esri/renderers/ClassBreaksRenderer",

        "esri/layers/FeatureLayer",  "esri/dijit/Legend",  "esri/request", "extras/Tip", 

        "esri/tasks/ClassBreaksDefinition", "esri/tasks/AlgorithmicColorRamp",

        "esri/tasks/GenerateRendererParameters", "esri/tasks/GenerateRendererTask",


        "dijit/layout/BorderContainer",  "dijit/layout/ContentPane",  "dojo/domReady!"

      ], function(

        parser, JSON, arrayUtils, conn, Color, number, domConstruct,

        Map, Extent, SpatialReference, SimpleLineSymbol, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleRenderer, ClassBreaksRenderer,

        FeatureLayer, Legend, esriRequest, Tip,

        ClassBreaksDefinition, AlgorithmicColorRamp,GenerateRendererParameters, GenerateRendererTask, LayerDrawingOptions) {


          spatialReference = new SpatialReference({wkid: 102100 });

          var startExtent = new Extent(-10583000, 4287025, -9979000, 4980462, spatialReference);

          map = new Map("map", {

            extent: startExtent


     var  defaultSymbol = new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,

        new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID, new Color([182, 182, 182]), 1), new Color([190, 190, 190, 0.7]))


      var template = "<strong>${COUNTYNAME}";

          tip = new Tip({

            "format": template,

            "node": "legend"


          featureLayer = new FeatureLayer(pathName+"/arcgis/rest/services/BaseMap/county_simple/MapServer/0", {

            maxAllowableOffset: map.extent.getWidth() / map.width,

            mode: FeatureLayer.MODE_SNAPSHOT,

            outFields: ["COUNTYNAME"],

            visible: true


          featureLayer.setRenderer(new SimpleRenderer(null));//starts empty

          var updateEnd = featureLayer.on("update-end", function() {



            var def = esriRequest({

              // url: "",

              url: "../json/agChemical2.json",

              callbackParamName: "callback"


           def.then(drawFeatureLayer, drawFeatureError);

            generateClassBreaks(defaultFrom, defaultTo);

            // wire up the tip

            featureLayer.on("mouse-over", tip.showInfo);

            featureLayer.on("mouse-out", tip.hideInfo);



  function drawFeatureLayer(data) {

    var values = (typeof data === "string" ) ? JSON.parse(data) : data;

    arrayUtils.forEach(, function(graphic) {

      var rec = values[graphic.attributes.COUNTYNAME];

       if (rec) {

        var recData = rec[0];

        var atts = [];

          for(var att in recData){


            var field = att;

          //    console.log ('att = ' + att + ", value = " + recData[att]);

            graphic.attributes[att] = recData[att];






//functions for generating symbology for the layer selected

  function generateClassBreaks(c1, c2) {

    var classDef = new ClassBreaksDefinition();

    classDef.classificationField = "CROP";

    classDef.classificationMethod = "quantile";

    classDef.breakCount = interval;  //defined as 5

    var colorRamp = new AlgorithmicColorRamp();

    colorRamp.fromColor = new Color.fromHex(c1);

    colorRamp.toColor = new Color.fromHex(c2);

    colorRamp.algorithm = "hsv"; // options are:  "cie-lab", "hsv", "lab-lch"


    classDef.baseSymbol = defaultSymbol;

    classDef.colorRamp = colorRamp;

    var params = new GenerateRendererParameters();

    params.classificationDefinition = classDef;

  //  params.precision = 2;

//   params.formatLabel = true;

//    var clauseInput = classDef.classificationField;

//   params.where= clauseInput + " > 0";

    var generateRenderer = new GenerateRendererTask(featureLayer);

    generateRenderer.on("error", taskErrorHandler);

    generateRenderer.execute(params, applyRenderer);



  function applyRenderer(renderer) { 

    var optionsArray = [];

    renderer.defaultSymbol = defaultSymbol;

    var drawingOptions = new LayerDrawingOptions();

    drawingOptions.renderer = renderer;

    optionsArray[0] = drawingOptions;



//   getInfoFromRender(renderer);//creates arrays the legend will use

//  createLegend();


    function taskErrorHandler(err){

     console.log("error in task is " + err.error);


          // function used by the class breaks renderer to get the

          // value used to symbolize each state

          function findBreakValue(graphic) {



          function calcBreaks(min, max, numberOfClasses) {

            var range = (max - min) / numberOfClasses;

            var breakValues = [];

            for ( var i = 0; i < numberOfClasses; i++ ) {

              breakValues = formatNumber(min + ( range * i ));


            // console.log("break values: ", breakValues);

            return breakValues;


          function formatNumber(num) {

            return number.format(num, { "places": 2 });



          function drawFeatureError(e) {

            console.log("error getting data: ", e);








    <div id="loading" class="shadow loading">

      Getting Data...

      <img src="" alt="loading image">


    <div id="legend" class="shadow info"></div>

    <div data-dojo-type="dijit.layout.BorderContainer"


         style="width: 100%; height: 100%; margin: 0;">

      <div id="map"




        <div id="title" class="shadow info">Current Values by County</div>





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2 Replies
Honored Contributor

Now that I look at this more closely, only the graphics within the featureLayer have the new attributes.  That isn't something that percolates back to featureLayer.fields.  Since generateRendererParameters is looking for a field, it is failing. 

Is there a workaround to this?  It seems like a lot of work to create a FeatureCollection instead just so I have the fields for the task.  Maybe I should just go back to the original gas price mash up and generate the breaks manually.

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Occasional Contributor

I have created a custom geoprocessing service. It is creating a frequency table by Frequency tool and exporting target feature class to scratch.gdb and add frequency column to temp feature class. Then it creates a map service layer from result. Then I am using generate renderer from result map service.

But i have also one problem with renderer. I am using uniqueValueDef with color ramp. I want to order colors according to frequency values but it does not. classBreaksDef is ordering but it is not genereting symbology for null values. I'am still looking for solution.

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