I have a declarative floatingPane that opens on a button click. but once closed, it won't open again. Apparently, the floating pane get destroyed after closing. how do I overwrite that behavior?
<div data-dojo-type="dijit/form/Button" id="measure" data-dojo-props="iconClass:'measureIcon'" title="Measure"
<!--Dialog Measurements-->
<div data-dojo-type="dojox.layout.FloatingPane" id="dFloatingPane"
data-dojo-props="resizable:true, dockable:false, title:'Measurement'"
style="position: absolute; top: 30%; left: 25%; width: 280px; height: 180px; visibility: hidden; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
<div id="measurementDiv" class="divMeasurement"></div>
function showDialogMeasure() {
if (dijit.byId("dFloatingPane").style.visibility === "hidden") {
Solved! Go to Solution.
Take a look at this JSBin code that seems to work properly.
Hi Richard,
I had one hell of a time trying to manipulate the default floatingpane close behaviour. Then finally ended up recreating the floating pane every time i required it. Here's an extract if it helps.
createMeasurement: function () {
console.log("Entered Method: " + arguments.callee.nom);
// On show move the top position by height of toolbar. This needs to be done if using API version 3.0 or above. and not needed for API 2.8 or below.
// Same has to be done for left position using contents pane width, if contents panel is left oriented.
var holder = new dojo.create('div', {
id: 'measurementPanelHolder'
this._measurementPanel = new dojox.layout.FloatingPane({
id: "measurementPanel",
title: "Measurement",
closable: true,
resizable: false,
dockable: false,
isLayoutContainer: true,
doLayout: true,
dockTo: this._dock,
style: 'top:25px;left:0px;width:210px;height:120px;z-index:101;'
}, dojo.byId('measurementPanelHolder')).placeAt(this._floatingContainer.containerNode, "last");
this._measurementPanel.containerNode.appendChild(new dojo.create('div', {
id: 'measurementDiv',
style: 'font-family: tahoma; font-size: medium;'
//dojo.connect(this._measurementPanel, "onShow", dojo.hitch(this, function () { this._measurementPanel.isVisible = true; }));
this._measurementWidget = new esri.dijit.Measurement({
map: this._map,
defaultAreaUnit: esri.Units.SQUARE_KILOMETERS,
defaultLengthUnit: esri.Units.KILOMETERS
}, dojo.byId("measurementDiv")).placeAt(this._measurementPanel.containerNode);
dojo.connect(this._measurementWidget.area, "onClick", dojo.hitch(this, function () {
this._map.setMapCursor('url(cursors/Measure_Area.cur), auto');
dojo.connect(this._measurementWidget.distance, "onClick", dojo.hitch(this, function () {
this._map.setMapCursor('url(cursors/Measure_Distance.cur), auto');
dojo.connect(this._measurementWidget.location, "onClick", dojo.hitch(this, function () {
this._map.setMapCursor('url(cursors/Measure_Point.cur), auto');
dojo.connect(this._measurementWidget, "onMeasureEnd", dojo.hitch(this, function(activeTool,geometry){
if (activeTool === "location") {
dojo.connect(this._measurementPanel.closeNode, "onclick", dojo.hitch(this, function(){
Here's how I achieve this affect. Set the class to display none in your css.
<img id="layerID" alt="" src="images\layers.png" Title="Layers" onclick="toggle('layerList')" />
<div id="layerList" class="floating-layerMenuWhite2" style="width:250px; height:400px;">
What I've done with the FloatingPane in my application is to create it with the closable property set to false to prevent it from being closed. The downarrow control still lets the user "close" it by hiding it.
<div id="divFloatingPane"
data-dojo-props="resizable:false, dockable:true, closable:false, title:'test'"
In my script, I use this to get a reference to the FloatingPane
fpVideo = registry.byId("divFloatingPane");
and I can then use
when I want to open it programmatically.
riyasdeen_b proposition to rewrite the entire code for just closing and reopening the floating pane, I think is too much. kenbuja's short-cut looks interesting, but still trying to figure out how to may be add a close link in the title bar to hide the panel on click event....
Richard, this is what my floating pane looks like
The down arrow in the upper right corner is what hides the pane. If you want access to the hide event, this is the code that fires it
aspect.after(fpVideo, 'hide', function () { console.log("aspect hide"); });
Thank you Ken,
but my floatingPane does not seem to have that down arrow. how do you get the narrow down to show up like yours?
as you can see bellow, my floatingPanel after setting to false the closable option and still no down narrow
Try setting dockable to true
<!--Dialog Measurements-->
<div data-dojo-type="dojox.layout.FloatingPane" id="dFloatingPane"
data-dojo-props="resizable:true, dockable:true, closable:false, title:'Measurement'"
style="position: absolute; top: 30%; left: 25%; width: 280px; height: 180px; visibility: hidden; padding: 0; margin: 0;">
<div id="measurementDiv" class="divMeasurement"></div>
still nothing
In my FloatingPane, I also have resizable set to false