I am adding multiple graphics with point geometry and PicturemarkerSymbol in the graphics layer.
The graphics is basically a black square with size of 100px. How do we find out the squares that are overlapping on the screen?
But if we add offsets in the symbols then it just doesn't work and I am not sure why.
Check my code below. It works just fine until the offsets are zero but if I add xoffset of -20 in markerSymbol2 I can see the sqaures overlapping on the screen but it does not work.
], (Map, MapView, Graphic, SimpleMarkerSymbol, GraphicsLayer, Extent, geometryEngine, Geometry, Point, geometryService) => {
const map = new Map({
basemap: "streets"
const view = new MapView({
center: [50, 50],
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
zoom: 5,
const grLayer = new GraphicsLayer({ graphics: [] });
const point1 = {
type: "point",
latitude: 50,
longitude: 50,
spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 }
const point2 = {
type: "point",
latitude: 50,
longitude: 54,
spatialReference: { wkid: 4326 }
const markerSymbol1 = {
type: 'picture-marker',
url: 'sqaure.svg',
width: "80px",
height: "80px",
xoffset: 0,
yoffset: 0
const markerSymbol2 = {
type: 'picture-marker',
url: 'sqaure.svg',
width: "80px",
height: "80px",
xoffset: 0, //-20 here and this will overlap
yoffset: 0
// Create a graphic and add the geometry and symbol to it
const pointGraphic1 = new Graphic({ geometry: point1, symbol: markerSymbol1 });
const pointGraphic2 = new Graphic({ geometry: point2, symbol: markerSymbol2 });
grLayer.addMany([pointGraphic1, pointGraphic2]);
//Return graphic extents in screen coordinates
var getScreenExtents = function (graphic) {
var screenPoint = view.toScreen(graphic.geometry);
//Adding offsets in screenpoints
screenPoint.x = screenPoint.x + graphic.symbol.xoffset;
screenPoint.y = screenPoint.y - graphic.symbol.yoffset;
//return extents
return new Extent({
xmin: screenPoint.x - graphic.symbol.width / 2,
ymin: screenPoint.y - graphic.symbol.height / 2,
xmax: screenPoint.x + graphic.symbol.width / 2,
ymax: screenPoint.y + graphic.symbol.height / 2,
var checkOverlap = function () {
let graphic1 = grLayer.graphics.getItemAt(0);
let graphic2 = grLayer.graphics.getItemAt(1);
screenExtent1 = getScreenExtents(graphic1);
screenExtent2 = getScreenExtents(graphic2);
if (screenExtent1.intersects(screenExtent2)) {
} else {
console.log("Not Overlapping");
view.when(function () {
view.watch('zoom', zoomChanged);
function zoomChanged(newValue, oldValue, property, object) {