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Featuretable - selected rows - identify feature on map

02-16-2024 02:24 AM
Occasional Contributor

I use FeatureTable, and the rows I select show highlighted on the map, so far so good.

I would like to zoom/have a visual indicator/popup when I click on one of the selected rows. I cannot find a hook that will do this for me.

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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hi there, 

You can watch FeatureTable.highlightIds and zoom to features or display popup as it is changes. In this codepen, we are zooming to the selected features:

You can use MapView.openPopup() to display popups.

Hope this helps,



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Occasional Contributor

Thank you for you answer, but unfortunately, it is not the answer that I am looking for.

I have made a select by attributes, show only the selected features in the FeatureTable widget and zoom in to them. Here I would like to have an extra highlight on the feature (like in ArcGIS Pro) when I visually select a row that already has a selection box ticked, to indicate which of the selected items I am pointing at.

We have found a work around by using deselect items from the menu and then selecting the item that we are interested in. But this is not super intuitive.

// Robert

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