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ESRI Sample Not Working in IE

07-16-2013 08:46 AM
New Contributor
hi all -

Can anyone confirm if these samples are supposed to work correctly in IE or not?

I based a design off of these samples, and spent quite a while attempting to get them to work in IE without success. Finally, I gave up and went back to the original ESRI url and tried loading it in IE - turns out I saw all the same broken behavior on ESRI's URL also : (

I am using IE 9 - what i'm seeing is the layout DIV (ContentPane's) don't align correctly with the map, and I'm also unable to click and drag the map.

Everything works perfectly in Chrome and Firefox by the way. Can anyone shed some light on this? Or offer an alternate set of samples to work from?
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4 Replies
New Contributor
I don't know if it should matter or not, but I was surprised to see version 1.2 of the JSAPI being used in those samples.

Are you using the latest?

I also got the same issues you did, using IE 10.
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Esri Regular Contributor
These samples are very old (they are using version 1.2 of the API, instead of 3.5).

Check the recently-updated API for samples and tutorials.

This is a good start:

Hope this helps.
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New Contributor
ah ok thanks guys - yes I'm sure that probably has something to do with my issues. Also thanks jon for the helpful link - I will give it a try.
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Esri Regular Contributor
No problem!

You'll notice very quickly that a lot of the samples and tutorials on the API are using an older implementation of Dojo.

However, the new AMD style of Dojo is highly recommended and works very well with the newest version of the JSAPI.

This link is very helpful is discussing the new AMD style that Dojo is promoting:

Let me know if you have any questions.
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