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Esri JS API Export to SHP using ExtractData

09-06-2023 02:35 PM
Emerging Contributor

I want to export features to shapefile by calling the following rest service:




According to documentation: the required parameter is "inputLayers" which can be either URL reference or FeatureSet.

First I tried URL reference as inputLayers:


[{"url":"url","serviceToken":"token","filter":"objectid = 109002"}]



and received an error: "Error executing tool. ExtractData : {\"messageCode\": \"AO_100289\", \"message\": \"Environment connection error. Contact Esri Support Services.\"}

So now I tried to send FeatureSet. I don't know how to create one from scratch so i used layer.queryFeatures which should return FeatureSet:

const query = {
where: "objectid = 109002",
outFields: ["*"],
returnGeometry: true


Sending the result to ExtractData results in following error:

"Invalid value for parameter inputLayers - Details : "

Also tried creating featureCollection with the same error as above. 


How to properly use ExtractData service or maybe there is an easier way to export data do shapefile?


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