I'm currently trying to package my Angular App with local assets but I'm struggling with the relative css paths :(.
This is an example of ..\themes\base\widgets\_Spinner.scss
The relative path ../base/images seems to be wrong. Because with ../ I'm out of widgets but still inside base folder.
This matches my error messages:
where it's looking for base\base\...
Am I missing something? I'm using arcgis/core@4.23.0.
Any help would be much appreciated.
@RichardReinickeit depends on where you copy the assets to within the project. Here's some doc on it that might help get you pointed in the right direction: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/es-modules/#managing-assets-locally If you are still stuck, create a simple github repo and send us a link and we'll take a look.