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Elevation Profile 3.35 destroy issue

03-15-2021 06:44 AM
New Contributor

Hey guys!

I've encountered a problem that Elevation Profile widget version 3.35 is being destroyed incorrectly. I've tested it in different situations (even in the sample for this widget), and in all cases during the process of destroying it throws this type error.

Uncaught TypeError: Cannot set property 'innerHTML' of null.    svg.js:formatted:278 
at Object.destroy (svg.js:formatted:278)
at Object.m ((index):201)
at Object.destroy (svg.js:formatted:1282)
at Object.destroy (Chart.js:5)
at Object.destroy (ProfileChart.js:31)
at Object.advice ((index):122)
at Object.e [as destroy] ((index):121)
at Object.destroy (ElevationProfile.js:22)
at Object.advice ((index):122)
at Object.e [as destroy] ((index):121)

 And here is the source code that throws an error directly (I've commented the desired line).

t.Surface = w("dojox.gfx.shape.Surface", null, {
                    constructor: function() {
                        this._parent = this.rawNode = null;
                        this._nodes = [];
                        this._events = []
                    destroy: function() {
                        p.forEach(this._nodes, n.destroy);
                        this._nodes = [];
                        p.forEach(this._events, function(b) {
                            b && b.remove()
                        this._events = [];
                        this.rawNode = null;
                        if (u("ie"))
                            for (; this._parent.lastChild; )
                            this._parent.innerHTML = ""; // it crashes here
                        this._parent = null
                    getEventSource: function() {
                        return this.rawNode
                    _getRealMatrix: function() {
                        return null
                    isLoaded: !0,
                    onLoad: function(b) {},
                    whenLoaded: function(b, k) {
                        var l = x.hitch(b, k);
                        if (this.isLoaded)
                            f.once(this, "load", function(e) {

 Has anyone else encountered the problem? 

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