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Editor.js:426 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'layer')

09-19-2022 05:35 PM
Emerging Contributor

I have an editing app and I am getting a type error thrown.  I have layers defined and pointing to a hosted serviuce/map.

Editor.js:426 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of undefined (reading 'layer')

at Editor.js:426:139
at Array.find (<anonymous>)
at J (Editor.js:426:129)
at Editor.js:441:414
at (<anonymous>)
at ((index):64:265)
at v.get (Editor.js:441:335)
at Object.u [as runTracked] ((index):160:183)
at t.getComputed ((index):154:279)
at p.get ((index):146:326)
(anonymous) @ Editor.js:426
J @ Editor.js:426
(anonymous) @ Editor.js:441 @ (index):64
get @ Editor.js:441
u @ (index):160
t.getComputed @ (index):154
p.get @ (index):146
c @ (index):135
d @ (index):135
(anonymous) @ (index):171
u @ (index):160
t @ (index):205
r @ (index):170
q @ (index):170
n @ (index):178
(anonymous) @ (index):182





    <meta charset="utf-8" />
      Area of roof Calculation based on Slope

    <script src=""></script>

      #viewDiv {
        padding: 0;
        margin: 0;
        height: 100%;
        width: 100%;

      .esri-editor .esri-item-list__scroller {
        max-height: 350px;

            require(["esri/WebMap", "esri/views/MapView", "esri/popup/ExpressionInfo", "esri/widgets/Editor", "esri/widgets/Search", "esri/layers/FeatureLayer"], (
            ) => {

              let EntireStructureLayer, DamagedAreasLayer;

              // Create a map from the referenced webmap item id
              const webmap = new WebMap({
                portalItem: {
                  id: "6a98a932b16142ae9d262e3e48a021a3"

              const view = new MapView({
                container: "viewDiv",
                map: webmap
              const featureLayerROE = new FeatureLayer({
                url: "",
                popuptemplate: {
                  title: "ROE Number {roeidpk}",
                  overwriteActions: true

              view.when(() => {
       => {
                  if (layer.title === "Entire Structure") {
					EntireStructureLayer = {
                    layer: EntireStructure,
                    formTemplate: {
                      // autocasts to FormTemplate
                      elements: [
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "ROE_IDPK",
                          label: "ROE Number"
                          // autocasts to FieldElement
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "Area_SQFT",
                          label: "Area in Square Feet",
                           // expression defined in expressionInfos
                           valueExpression: "area"
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "Pitch_Slope",
                          label: "Pitch of Roof"                         
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "Area_pitch_SQFT",
                          label: "Area based on Pitch (FT)",
                          // expression defined in expressionInfos
                          valueExpression: "Pitchft2",
                          type: "field",
                          fieldname: "RoofType",
                          label: "Type of Roof"

                     expressionInfos: [{
                     name: "area",
                     title: "Area SQ FT",
                     expression: "AreaGeodetic($feature,'feet')"
                     }, {
                     name: "Pitchft2",
                     title: "Area based on Pitch (FT)",
                     expression:' "$feature.Pitch_Slope==1, $feature.Area_SQFT*1.031, $feature.Pitch_Slope==2, $feature.Area_SQFT*1.158, $feature.Pitch_Slope==3, $feature.Area_SQFT*1.414, $feature.Pitch_Slope==4, $feature.Area_SQFT*1.944, $feature.Area_SQFT)"'     
			 } else {
				if(layer.title === "DamagedAreasmultipatch") 
                  DamagedAreasLayer = {
                    layer: DamagedAreasmultipatch,
                    formTemplate: {
                      // autocasts to FormTemplate
                      elements: [
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "ROE_IDPK",
                          label: "ROE Number"
                          // autocasts to FieldElement
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "Area_Ft2",
                          label: "Area in Square Feet",
                           // expression defined in expressionInfos
                           valueExpression: "area1"
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "Pitch",
                          label: "Pitch of Roof"                         
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "Area_pitch_ft2",
                          label: "Area based on Pitch (FT)",
                          // expression defined in expressionInfos
                          valueExpression: "Pitchft2"
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "NumPanels",
                          label: "Number of Plywood Panels Needed"
                          type: "field",
                          fieldName: "Length_rafters_area",
                          label: "Length of Rafters Needed"

                     expressionInfos: [{
                     name: "area1",
                     title: "Area SQ FT",
                     expression: "AreaGeodetic($feature,'feet')"
                     }, {
                     name: "Pitchft2",
                     title: "Area based on Pitch (FT)",
                     expression:' "$feature.Pitch==1, $feature.Area_Ft2*1.031, $feature.Pitch==2, $feature.Area_Ft2*1.158, $feature.Pitch==3, $feature.Area_Ft2*1.414, $feature.Pitch==4, $feature.Area_Ft2*1.944, $feature.Area_Ft2)"'
			const searchWidget = new Search({
			view: view,
			allPlaceholder: "Search",
			includeDefaultSources: false,
			sources: [
              layer: featureLayerROE,
              searchFields: ["roeidpk"],
              displayField: "ROE IDPK",
              exactMatch: true,
              outFields: ["roeidpk", "flagroe", "invoicenumber"],
              name: "ROE IDPK",
              placeholder: "example: 278585"
            const editor = new Editor({
			layerInfos: [EntireStructureLayer, DamagedAreasLayer],  
			view: view,			 
                  // Add the widget to the view
                  view.ui.add(editor, "top-right");
                  view.ui.add(searchWidget, "bottom-right")
  <div id="viewDiv"></div>


Thanks in advance!


4 Replies
Honored Contributor

You have a couple of spots where you're passing a layer, but it's not defined.

if (layer.title === "Entire Structure") {
    EntireStructureLayer = {
    layer: EntireStructure, // EntireStructure undefined

if(layer.title === "DamagedAreasmultipatch") // missing {} too
DamagedAreasLayer = {
    layer: DamagedAreasmultipatch, // DamagedAreasmultipatch undefined

In those cases, if the title matches, you can just pass the layer instance for the editor to use.

0 Kudos
Emerging Contributor

I'm not sure that I'm following.  Isn't the "if (layer.title ==="xxx), etc." the layer definition?  


0 Kudos
Esri Regular Contributor

The error is being thrown because you are not finding the right layers from your web map.

First of all, the layers you are looking for are in a group layer:

So you need to loop through the layers in your group layer to find the right layers: 

 webmap.layers.forEach((layer) => {
   console.log(layer.title, layer.type);
   if (layer.type === "group") {
     layer.layers.forEach((subLayer) => {
       if (subLayer.title === "Entire Structure") {
         EntireStructureLayer = {
           layer: subLayer,


Secondly, you are doing the following where EntireStructure does not exist. You must set this to a valid layer instance. See the code above.

if (layer.title === "Entire Structure") {
  EntireStructureLayer = {
    layer: EntireStructure,


Lastly, DamageAreasmultipatch does not exist. Please take a look at your web map from the link provided above. 

if(layer.title === "DamagedAreasmultipatch") 


This codepen shows how Editor can be set up:

The search widget is also throwing an error about Display field and the codepen shows the working version.

Emerging Contributor

I got it., I see what you are saying now.  The expressions are commented out, i *thought* those were right, looks like those aren't either.  🙂  I am seeing errors on this pen for 'name' and 'length'. 

0 Kudos