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Dropdown option to sidebar div

09-19-2023 01:46 PM
MVP Regular Contributor

The app I'm working on is basically a conglomeration of some of the samples. It works fine as is. In it, if you click on a point in the map you will see the text from the feature's Description field update in the sidebar. I want the same thing to happen when you click an option in the "Search by Category" drop-down.

Working app is here

I've been working in the section of code that puts the pop-up result in the sidebar. I can't find a reproducible sample for what I want to do.

//Popup in sidebar
    view.when().then(function () {
        // Create a default graphic for when the application starts
        const graphic = {
            popupTemplate: {
                content: "To search by item make sure Search by Category is set to 'Select one'.<br> <br>Businesses should note that they will find more appropriate listings if they check Business under the search box. Hit Search after changing from Residential to Business or vice versa."
        // Provide a graphic to a new instance of a Feature widget
        const feature = new Feature({
            container: "sidebar",
            graphic: graphic,
            spatialReference: view.spatialReference

        // description variable
        var sidebardescription = {
            //autocasts the new template
            content: [
                    //set a descriptive text element
                    type: "text", // TextContentElement
                    text: "{Description}"

        view.whenLayerView(recycleLayer).then(function (layerView) {
            let highlight;
            // listen for the pointer-move event on the View
            view.on("click", function (event) {
                // Perform a hitTest on the View
                view.hitTest(event).then(function (event) {
                    // Make sure graphic has a popupTemplate
                    let results = event.results.filter(function (result) {
                        return result.graphic.layer.popupTemplate;
                    let result = results[0];
                    highlight && highlight.remove();

                    // On pointer-click, update the graphic of the Feature widget
                    // with the result
                    if (result) {
                        feature.graphic = result.graphic.clone(); //clone it to avoid mutation
                        feature.graphic.popupTemplate = sidebardescription;
                        highlight = layerView.highlight(result.graphic);
                    } else {
                        feature.graphic = graphic;
      "popup chosen")


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