Hi, I am trying to use a dojo button in my custom popup content using the newest 4.x API, but it will not render. Other dijit form items like TextBox and CheckBox work fine. See attached picture for what happens. I do not want to use popup actions, the extra header they create takes up too much space. If I remove the data-dojo-type, a regular button renders fine.
Have you added the claro.css stylesheet and class to the apps body?
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://js.arcgis.com/4.11/dijit/themes/claro/claro.css">
Hi Robert,
I was not using the claro.css, I was only using this one:
Can I see your code?
Unfortunately I can't share the code for this app. It seems like the new 4.x themes are not compatible with the dojo dijit theme. I'm going to just use custom styling for this on a regular button element and not use dojo dijit buttons.
That's too bad. Dojo dijits do work in 4.x as I have a couple of apps doing this but there is a proper way to set them up for it. Styling the button is a good option though.
Would you so kind to allow to see your examples of using Dojo dijits with 4.x? I try now to make upgrade from 3.36 to 4.* and in my application there is a lot use of dojo and dijits . May be you cancelled to use dojo?