Hi all,
I am trying to figure out how to zoom to a feature when a datatable row is clicked on. Just like this but using datatables instead of GRID dojo.
Any ideas or recommendations would be helpful
My query my table are fed as such:
function addToMap3(results) { map.graphics.clear(); var featureArray = results.features; if (featureArray && featureArray.length > 0) { // do stuff with the features arrayUtils.forEach(featureArray, function (feat) { feat.setSymbol(symbol8); map.graphics.add(feat); }); var extent = esri.graphicsExtent(map.graphics.graphics); map.setExtent(extent, true); var cols = [], row = [], data = []; var selected = []; //create columns $.each(results.fields, function (index, value) { cols.push({ 'sTitle': value.name }); }); //create columns //create rows and push into data $.each(results.features, function (index, value) { row = []; $.each(value.attributes, function (index2, value2) { row.push(value2); }); data.push(dojo.clone(row)); }); $('#example').dataTable({ dom: 'Bfrtip', data: data, columns: cols, destroy: true, buttons: [ 'copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print' ], "rowCallback": function (row, data) { if ($.inArray(data.OBJECTID, selected) !== -1) { $(row).addClass('selected'); } } }); $('#example tbody').on('click', 'td', function () { alert('Row index: ' + table.row(this).index());; }); } else { // do stuff when no features were found alert("No features found") } }
My code is here.
Solved! Go to Solution.
This will get you started (only tested for polygons):
Your use of a lower case "d" for DataTable on line 35 caused a real issue in your code.
function addToMap3(results) { map.graphics.clear(); var featureArray = results.features; if (featureArray && featureArray.length > 0) { // do stuff with the features arrayUtils.forEach(featureArray, function (feat) { feat.setSymbol(symbol8); map.graphics.add(feat); }); var extent = esri.graphicsExtent(map.graphics.graphics); map.setExtent(extent, true); var cols = [], row = [], data = [], selected = []; //create columns $.each(results.fields, function (index, value) { cols.push({ 'sTitle': value.name }); }); //create columns //create rows and push into data $.each(results.features, function (index, value) { row = []; $.each(value.attributes, function (index2, value2) { row.push(value2); }); data.push(dojo.clone(row)); }); var table = $('#example').DataTable({ dom: 'Bfrtip', data: data, columns: cols, destroy: true, buttons: ['copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'], "rowCallback": function (row, data) { if ($.inArray(data.OBJECTID, selected) !== -1) { $(row).addClass('selected'); } } }); $('#example tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () { var d = table.row( this ).data(); if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); } else { table.$('tr.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); arrayUtils.forEach(featureArray, function (feat) { if(feat.attributes["OBJECTID"] === d[0]){ map.setExtent(feat.geometry.getExtent().expand(2.5)); } }); } }); } else { // do stuff when no features were found alert("No features found") } }
Can you zip ups your widget folder and your images folder for this project and attach them? It would make things easier to debug.
This will get you started (only tested for polygons):
Your use of a lower case "d" for DataTable on line 35 caused a real issue in your code.
function addToMap3(results) { map.graphics.clear(); var featureArray = results.features; if (featureArray && featureArray.length > 0) { // do stuff with the features arrayUtils.forEach(featureArray, function (feat) { feat.setSymbol(symbol8); map.graphics.add(feat); }); var extent = esri.graphicsExtent(map.graphics.graphics); map.setExtent(extent, true); var cols = [], row = [], data = [], selected = []; //create columns $.each(results.fields, function (index, value) { cols.push({ 'sTitle': value.name }); }); //create columns //create rows and push into data $.each(results.features, function (index, value) { row = []; $.each(value.attributes, function (index2, value2) { row.push(value2); }); data.push(dojo.clone(row)); }); var table = $('#example').DataTable({ dom: 'Bfrtip', data: data, columns: cols, destroy: true, buttons: ['copy', 'csv', 'excel', 'pdf', 'print'], "rowCallback": function (row, data) { if ($.inArray(data.OBJECTID, selected) !== -1) { $(row).addClass('selected'); } } }); $('#example tbody').on('click', 'tr', function () { var d = table.row( this ).data(); if ($(this).hasClass('selected')) { $(this).removeClass('selected'); } else { table.$('tr.selected').removeClass('selected'); $(this).addClass('selected'); arrayUtils.forEach(featureArray, function (feat) { if(feat.attributes["OBJECTID"] === d[0]){ map.setExtent(feat.geometry.getExtent().expand(2.5)); } }); } }); } else { // do stuff when no features were found alert("No features found") } }
Good to know. That works great. Thank you so much