Hello, I'm trying to come up with custom field labels for my query widget in a map I'm creating. I'm using this sample code.
When the query is run, the fields for the table appears as such:
My aim is to customize the field labels to show cleaner titles like, "City" for "NAME" and "Sum Population" instead of "SUM_POPULATION".
Would anyone know what I need to add and where to add it to achieve this goal?
The entire code for the aforementioned map is here.
<meta charset="utf-8" />
content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1,user-scalable=no"
Query Related Features | Sample | ArcGIS API for JavaScript 4.24
body {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
margin: 0;
padding: 0;
#gridDiv {
padding: 10px;
max-width: 300px;
#viewDiv {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
#clearButton {
display: none;
.dgrid {
height: auto !important;
.dgrid .dgrid-scroller {
position: relative;
max-height: 200px;
overflow: auto;
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://unpkg.com/dgrid@1.2.1/css/dgrid.css" />
<script src="https://unpkg.com/dgrid@1.2.1/"></script>
<script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.24/"></script>
], function (Map, Basemap, MapView, FeatureLayer, Legend, Expand, Grid) {
// Create the layer
const layer = new FeatureLayer({
portalItem: {
id: "7a301e848a7c4bfcaefdac4fe98a7f99"
outFields: ["*"]
// Setup the map
const basemap = new Basemap({
portalItem: {
id: "00c8181753cd4673810a1ede1f52a922"
const map = new Map({
basemap: basemap,
layers: [layer]
const view = new MapView({
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
center: [-98.5795, 39.8282],
zoom: 3,
popup: {
autoOpenEnabled: false
const legend = new Legend({ view: view });
// Expand widget to expand and contract the legend widget
const legendExpand = new Expand({
expandTooltip: "Show Legend",
expanded: false,
view: view,
content: legend
// Add widgets to the view
view.ui.add(document.getElementById("gridDiv"), "bottom-left");
view.ui.add(legendExpand, "top-right");
// Initialize variables
let highlight, grid;
// call clearMap method when clear is clicked
const clearbutton = document.getElementById("clearButton");
clearbutton.addEventListener("click", clearMap);
layer.load().then(function () {
return (g = new Grid());
view.on("click", function (event) {
function queryFeatures(screenPoint) {
const point = view.toMap(screenPoint);
// Query the for the feature ids where the user clicked
geometry: point,
spatialRelationship: "intersects",
returnGeometry: false,
outFields: ["*"]
.then(function (objectIds) {
if (!objectIds.length) {
// Highlight the area returned from the first query
view.whenLayerView(layer).then(function (layerView) {
if (highlight) {
highlight = layerView.highlight(objectIds);
// Query the for the related features for the features ids found
return layer.queryRelatedFeatures({
outFields: ["NAME", "SUM_POPULATION"],
relationshipId: layer.relationships[0].id,
objectIds: objectIds
.then(function (relatedFeatureSetByObjectId) {
if (!relatedFeatureSetByObjectId) {
// Create a grid with the data
Object.keys(relatedFeatureSetByObjectId).forEach(function (
) {
// get the attributes of the FeatureSet
const relatedFeatureSet = relatedFeatureSetByObjectId[objectId];
const rows = relatedFeatureSet.features.map(function (feature) {
return feature.attributes;
if (!rows.length) {
// create a new div for the grid of related features
// append to queryResults div inside of the gridDiv
const gridDiv = document.createElement("div");
const results = document.getElementById("queryResults");
// destroy current grid if exists
if (grid) {
// create new grid to hold the results of the query
grid = new Grid(
columns: Object.keys(rows[0]).map(function (fieldName) {
return {
label: fieldName,
field: fieldName,
sortable: true
// add the data to the grid
clearbutton.style.display = "inline";
.catch(function (error) {
function clearMap() {
if (highlight) {
if (grid) {
clearbutton.style.display = "none";
<div id="gridDiv" class="esri-widget">
<h2>US Cities</h2>
Click on a hexagon in the map to view the US cities located in that
<div id="queryResults"></div>
<button id="clearButton" class="esri-widget">Clear Query</button>
<div id="viewDiv"></div>
Solved! Go to Solution.
I suppose there are many ways, but here's a simple example. You would replace lines 181-192 (where the Grid is created) with the following, which uses a simple field name to field alias map:
grid = new Grid(
columns: Object.keys(rows[0]).map(function (fieldName) {
var fieldAliases = {
"NAME": "City",
"SUM_POPULATION": "Sum Population"
return {
label: fieldAliases[fieldName] || fieldName,
field: fieldName,
sortable: true
I suppose there are many ways, but here's a simple example. You would replace lines 181-192 (where the Grid is created) with the following, which uses a simple field name to field alias map:
grid = new Grid(
columns: Object.keys(rows[0]).map(function (fieldName) {
var fieldAliases = {
"NAME": "City",
"SUM_POPULATION": "Sum Population"
return {
label: fieldAliases[fieldName] || fieldName,
field: fieldName,
sortable: true
Worked Great! Thank you so much!