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Creating a Popup Window

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01-02-2018 11:18 AM
Deactivated User

I'm having trouble getting a popup window to show any information. When I click on the map it pops up, but has no information. I've tried everything and researched for days now on the topic. Any help would be appreciated. 

<!DOCTYPE html>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <title>Future Land Use Map</title>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>
   <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href=""/>

      #map {
         height: 100%;
         width: 100%;
         margin: 0;
         padding: 0;
      #search {
         display: block;
         position: absolute;
         z-index: 2;
         top: 20px;
         left: 74px;
      #mapPane {
    /*margin-left: 300px;*/
         padding: 0;
         border-left: solid 2px #224a54;
         background-color: #FFFFFF;
         height: 100%; width: 100%;
      #rightPane {
      width: 20%;

    #legendPane {
      border: solid #97DCF2 1px;
    #opacitySliderDiv {
         display: block;
         position: absolute;
         z-index: 2;
         bottom: 20px;
         left: 74px;
   <script type="text/javascript">
               var dojoConfig = {
                    async : false,
                    mblHideAddressBar : false,
                    packages : [{
                         name : "js",
                         location : location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '') + '/js'
    <script src=""></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lods_extent.js"></script>
      <script type="text/javascript" src="js/IdentifyAll.js"></script>
          var map;
          var initExtent;
          var lods = [];
          var spatialReference;

      ], function (urlUtils, SpatialReference, Map, Search, esriBasemaps, BasemapLayer, Basemap, BasemapGallery, arcgisUtils, SpatialReference, Extent, GeometryService, ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, esriConfig, Legend, InfoWindowBase, InfoTemplate, Popup, PopupTemplate, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, IdentifyTask, IdentifyParameters, Color, string, domUtils, dom, domStyle, domConstruct, on, parser, array) {
          //Geometry Service
          esriConfig.defaults.geometryService = new GeometryService("");
 = "";
 = false;
 = false;
              urlPrefix: "",
              proxyUrl: ""
              urlPrefix: "",
              proxyUrl: ""
              urlPrefix: "",
              proxyUrl: ""
          spatialReference = new SpatialReference({
               wkid : 102100
            var legendLayers = [];
            var basemaps = [];
            var identifyTask;
            var identifyParams;
            var popup = new Popup({
                 new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
            new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
            new Color([255, 0, 0]), 2), 
            new Color([255, 255, 0, 0.25]))
        }, domConstruct.create("div"));
            var map = new Map("map", {
             extent: initExtent,
               lods: lods,
               map: aerielLayer,
               infoWindow: popup

          map.on("load", mapReady);

            var aerielLayer = new BasemapLayer({
              url: ""
          var aerielBasemap = new Basemap({
              layers: [aerielLayer],
              id: "2016 Aeriel",
              title:"2016 Aeriel",
            var basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
                 showArcGISBasemaps: false,
                 basemaps: basemaps,
              map: map
            }, "basemapGalleryDiv");
        var search = new Search({
            map: map
         }, "search");
        var fluURL = "";
        var selectionHandler = dojo.connect(basemapGallery,"onSelectionChange",function(){
             var addressLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
                    visible : true,
                    id : "addresses"
               var parcelsAR = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
                    visible : true,
                    id : "parcelsAR"
               var roadNames = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
                    visible : true,
                    id : "roadNames"
               var cityLimits = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
                    visible : true,
                    id : "cityLimits"
               var flu = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(fluURL, {
                    visible : true,
                    outFields: ["Zoning"],
                    id : "flu",
                    opacity: 0.5
        map.on("layers-add-result", function () {
        var legend = new Legend({
            map: map,
            layerInfos: legendLayers
          }, "legendDiv");
          legendLayers.push({layer: flu, title: "Future Land Use"});          
            map.addLayers([parcelsAR, flu, cityLimits, roadNames, addressLayer]);
          function mapReady () {
          map.on("click", executeIdentifyTask);
          //create identify tasks and setup parameters
          identifyTask = new IdentifyTask("flu");

          identifyParams = new IdentifyParameters();
          identifyParams.tolerance = 3;
          identifyParams.returnGeometry = true;
          identifyParams.layerIds = [0];
          identifyParams.layerOption = IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE;
          identifyParams.width = map.width;
          identifyParams.height = map.height;

        function executeIdentifyTask (event) {
          identifyParams.geometry = event.mapPoint;
          identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent;

          var deferred = identifyTask
            .addCallback(function (response) {
              // response is an array of identify result objects
              // Let's return an array of features.
              return, function (result) {
                var feature = result.feature;
                   var layerName = result.layerName;

                feature.attributes.layerName = layerName;
                    if (layerName === 'FUTURE LAND USE') {
                  var zoningTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Zoning: ${Zoning}");
                else if (layerName === 'FUTURE LAND USE') {
                  var addressTemplate = new InfoTemplate("",
                    "Address: ${Addresses}");
                return feature;

          // InfoWindow expects an array of features from each deferred
          // object that you pass. If the response from the task execution
          // above is not an array of features, then you need to add a callback
          // like the one above to post-process the response and return an
          // array of features.

<body class="claro">
     <div id="search"></div>
     <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer" 
             data-dojo-props="design:'headline', gutters:false" 

      <div id="map" 
      <div id="rightPane"

    <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/AccordionContainer">
      <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" id="legendPane"
           data-dojo-props="title:'Legend', selected:true">
        <div id="legendDiv"></div>
    <div id="mapDiv"></div>

0 Kudos
1 Solution

Accepted Solutions
MVP Emeritus


  I have it displaying info in the popup. Here is what I have:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <title>Future Land Use Map</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

    #map {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

    #search {
      display: block;
      position: absolute;
      z-index: 2;
      top: 20px;
      left: 74px;

    #mapPane {
      /*margin-left: 300px;*/
      padding: 0;
      border-left: solid 2px #224a54;
      background-color: #FFFFFF;
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;

    #rightPane {
      width: 20%;

    #legendPane {
      border: solid #97DCF2 1px;

    #opacitySliderDiv {
      display: block;
      position: absolute;
      z-index: 2;
      bottom: 20px;
      left: 74px;
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var dojoConfig = {
      async: false,
      mblHideAddressBar: false,
      packages: [{
        name: "js",
        location: location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '') + '/js'
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lods_extent.js"></script>
  <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/IdentifyAll.js"></script> -->
    var map;
    var initExtent;
    var lods = [];
    var spatialReference;

    ], function(
      urlUtils, SpatialReference, Map, Search, esriBasemaps, BasemapLayer, Basemap,
      BasemapGallery, arcgisUtils, SpatialReference, Extent, GeometryService,
      ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, esriConfig, Legend, InfoWindowBase, InfoTemplate,
      Popup, PopupTemplate, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, IdentifyTask,
      IdentifyParameters, Color, string, domUtils, dom, domStyle, domConstruct, on,
      parser, arrayUtils) {


      //Geometry Service
      esriConfig.defaults.geometryService = new GeometryService("");
      //""); = ""; = false; = false;

        urlPrefix: "",
        proxyUrl: ""
        urlPrefix: "",
        proxyUrl: ""
        urlPrefix: "",
        proxyUrl: ""
      spatialReference = new SpatialReference({
        wkid: 102100

      var legendLayers = [];
      var basemaps = [];
      var identifyTask;
      var identifyParams;

      var popup = new Popup({
        fillSymbol: new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
          new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
            new Color([255, 0, 0]), 2),
          new Color([255, 255, 0, 0.25]))
      }, domConstruct.create("div"));

      var map = new Map("map", {
        extent: initExtent,
        lods: lods,
        map: aerielLayer,
        infoWindow: popup

      map.on("load", mapReady);

      var aerielLayer = new BasemapLayer({
        url: ""

      var aerielBasemap = new Basemap({
        layers: [aerielLayer],
        id: "2016 Aeriel",
        title: "2016 Aeriel",
        thumbnailUrl: "Images/basemap_streets.jpg"


      var basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
        showArcGISBasemaps: false,
        basemaps: basemaps,
        map: map
      }, "basemapGalleryDiv");

      var search = new Search({
        map: map
      }, "search");


      var fluURL = "";

      var selectionHandler = dojo.connect(basemapGallery, "onSelectionChange", function() {

        var addressLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
          visible: true,
          id: "addresses"

        var parcelsAR = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
          visible: true,
          id: "parcelsAR"

        var roadNames = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
          visible: true,
          id: "roadNames"

        var cityLimits = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
          visible: true,
          id: "cityLimits"

        var flu = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(fluURL, {
          visible: true,
          outFields: ["Zoning"],
          id: "flu",
          opacity: 0.5

        map.on("layers-add-result", function() {
          var legend = new Legend({
            map: map,
            layerInfos: legendLayers
          }, "legendDiv");
          layer: flu,
          title: "Future Land Use"
        map.addLayers([parcelsAR, flu, cityLimits, roadNames, addressLayer]);

      function mapReady() {
        map.on("click", executeIdentifyTask);
        //create identify tasks and setup parameters
        identifyTask = new IdentifyTask(fluURL);

        identifyParams = new IdentifyParameters();
        identifyParams.tolerance = 3;
        identifyParams.returnGeometry = true;
        identifyParams.layerIds = [0];
        identifyParams.layerOption = IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE;
        identifyParams.width = map.width;
        identifyParams.height = map.height;

      function executeIdentifyTask(event) {
        identifyParams.geometry = event.mapPoint;
        identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent;

        var deferred = identifyTask
          .addCallback(function(response) {
            // response is an array of identify result objects
            // Let's return an array of features.
            return, function(result) {
              var feature = result.feature;
              var layerName = result.layerName;

              feature.attributes.layerName = layerName;
              if (layerName === 'FUTURE LAND USE') {
                var zoningTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Zoning: ${Zoning}");
              // } else if (layerName === 'FUTURE LAND USE') {
              //   console.log(feature.attributes.Addresses);
              //   var addressTemplate = new InfoTemplate("",
              //     "Address: ${Addresses}");
              //   feature.setInfoTemplate(addressTemplate);
              // }
              return feature;

        // InfoWindow expects an array of features from each deferred
        // object that you pass. If the response from the task execution
        // above is not an array of features, then you need to add a callback
        // like the one above to post-process the response and return an
        // array of features.


<body class="claro">
  <div id="search"></div>
  <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer" data-dojo-props="design:'headline', gutters:false" style="width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;">

    <div id="map" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region:'center'" style="padding:0;">
    <div id="rightPane" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region:'right'">

      <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/AccordionContainer">
        <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" id="legendPane" data-dojo-props="title:'Legend', selected:true">
          <div id="legendDiv"></div>
      <div id="mapDiv"></div>


View solution in original post

0 Kudos
10 Replies
MVP Emeritus


  Your if else if statement seems to be evaluating the same condition...

              if (layerName === 'FUTURE LAND USE') {
                var zoningTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Zoning: ${Zoning}");
              } else if (layerName === 'FUTURE LAND USE') {
                var addressTemplate = new InfoTemplate("",
                  "Address: ${Addresses}");
0 Kudos
Deactivated User

Ok, I changed that and it is still not working.

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


   I could help you debug this further if I had 



0 Kudos
Deactivated User

This is IdentifyAll.js:

var identifyTask;

function initIdentifies(map) {
     idParams.tolerance = 6;
     idParams.returnGeometry = true;
     //idParams.maxAllowableOffset = 2;
     idParams.layerOption = esri.tasks.IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE;

function runIdentifies(evt) {
     require(["dojo/promise/all"], function(All){
     var measureMode = dojo.query(".esriButton .dijitButtonNode").some(function(node, index, arr) {
          if (node.childNodes[0].checked) {
               //at least one of the measure tools is active so disable identify
               return true;

     if (!measureMode) {
          //addIdentMaps is at the bottom of this page and pushes only the visible layers that we want to tasks array
          //check for map visibility and add identify task to pertinent sublayers
          defTasks =, function(task) {
               return new dojo.Deferred();
          //map each identify task to a new dojo.Deferred
          dlTasks = new dojo.DeferredList(defTasks);
          //And use all of these Deferreds in a DeferredList
          //chain showResults onto your DeferredList
          idParams.width = map.width;
          idParams.height = map.height;
          idParams.geometry = evt.mapPoint;
          idParams.mapExtent = map.extent;
          for ( i = 0; i < tasks.length; i++) {//Use 'for' instead of '' so you can sync tasks with defTasks
               try {
                    tasks.execute(idParams, defTasks.callback, defTasks.errback);
                    //Execute each task
               } catch (e) {
                    console.log("Error caught");
                    //If you get an error for any task, execute the errback

function showResults(r) {
     require(["esri/dijit/PopupTemplate"], function (PopupTemplate) {
     var resultsid = [];
     r = dojo.filter(r, function(result) {
          return r[0];
     //filter out any failed tasks
     for ( i = 0; i < r.length; i++) {
          resultsid = resultsid.concat(r[1]);
     resultsid =, function(result) {
          var feature = result.feature;
          feature.attributes.layerName = result.layerName; {
               if (result.layerName == "City Addresses") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Official City Address",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "SITE_ADDR",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Official City Address:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LOCID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Hyperlink",
                              visible : false,
                              label : "Hyperlink:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "",
                              "caption" : "",
                              "type" : "image",
                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink5.png",
                                   "linkURL": "{HyperlinkB}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "County Addresses") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "County Address",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "SITE_ADDR",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "County Address:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "X_COORD",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "XCoord:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Y_COORD",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "YCoord:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ESN_EMS",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "EMS:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ESN_FIRE",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "FIRE:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PIN",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "PIN:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "CDBG Boundary") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "CDBG Boundary",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "geoname",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "lowmod_pct100",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Low/Moderate %:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "GEOID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GEOID:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "FDOT Milepost") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "FDOT Milepost",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "ROADWAY",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "ROADWAY:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "intsec_des",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Intersection Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BEGIN_POST",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Begin Milepost:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "Parcels") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Parcel",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "PIN",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "PARCEL PIN:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "OWNER_NAME",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner Name:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ADDRESS_1",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner Address1:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ADDRESS_2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner Address2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ADDRESS_3",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner Address3:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "CITY_NAME",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "City:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ST",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "State:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ZIPCODE",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Zip Code:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "USEDESC",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Use Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "SALEDT1",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Latest Sale Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "SALEADJ1",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Latest Sale Price:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "B_AYB",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Building Year Built:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "GIS_ACRE",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GIS Parcel Acreage:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LEGL1",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Legal Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LEGL2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Legal Description Cont'd:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LEGL3",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Legal Description Cont'd:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "",
                              "caption" : "",
                              "type" : "image",
                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/OCPropAppSeal.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "{PIN}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ROW Projects") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "ROW Construction Project",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "ProjectNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ProjectDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project Description:"
                              fieldName : "Hyperlink",
                              visible : false,
                              label : "Hyperlink:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "",
                              "caption" : "",
                              "type" : "image",
                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink5.png",
                                   "linkURL": "file://///FWBGIS\\projects\\{Hyperlink}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "DEEDS") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Deed",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "DocNum",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Deed Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "DocNumDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Deed Date:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "{HyperlinkA}",
                              "caption" : "",
                              "type" : "image",
                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ANNEXATION ORDINANCE") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Annexation Ordinance",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "DocNum",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Annexation Ordinance Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "DocNumDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Ordinance Date:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "{HyperlinkA}",
                              "caption" : "",
                              "type" : "image",
                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ORDINANCES") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Ordinance",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "DocNum",
                              visible : true,
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                              label : "Water Tap Receipt No.:"
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                              fieldName : "RcptDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Receipt Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LOCID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
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                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "Subdivisions Boundaries") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Subdivision",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Name",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Subdivision:"
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               } else if (result.layerName == "Lots") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Sudivision Lot",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "LOT_NO",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Subdivision Lot No:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "StreetSigns") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Street Sign",
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                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Street Sign:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Date_",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "MaintainedBy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Maintained By:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Speed",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Speed Limit:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "StreetLights_point") {
                    var objnm = result.OBJNAME;
                    var locdes = result.LocationDescription;
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Street Light",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Light_Type",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Light Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Intensity",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Intensity:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Date_Installed",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Date Installed:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "OBJNAME",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Light ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "GP_Pole_No",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GP Pole No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Account",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Account:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Verified_Intensity",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Verified Intensity:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Verified_Location",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Verified Location:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Streetscape",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Streetscape:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Neighborhood",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Neighborhood:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "CRA",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "CRA:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "FDOT",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "FDOT:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "State_Road_Num",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "State Road No.:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssCleanOut") {
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                         title : "SS Cleanout",
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                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Cleanout Location:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Station",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Station:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "StationOffset",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Station Offset:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Wye",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Wye:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LiftStationNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lift Station Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssLateralPoint") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SS Stubout",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Stubout Location:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Station",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Station:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "StationOffset",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Station Offset:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Wye",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Wye:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LiftStationNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lift Station Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssManhole") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SS Manhole",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "ManholeNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Manhole No.:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
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                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "RimElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Rim Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InvertElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LiftStationNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lift Station Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Lined",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lined:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Year_Lined",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Year Lined:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "{Hyperlink_ReportA}",
                              "caption" : "Manhole Report",
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                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{Hyperlink_ReportA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssNetworkStructure") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SS Network Structure",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Structure Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Name",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Name:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InvertElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LiftStationNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lift Station Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Capacity",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Capacity:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "{HyperlinkA",
                              "caption" : "Network Structure",
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                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssForceMain") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SS Force Main",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "OBJECTID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Force Main:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Lined",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lined:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Year_Lined",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Year Lined:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "UpstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Upstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "DownstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Downstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Slope",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Slope:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InterpolatedInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Interpolated Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LiftStationNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lift Station Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssGravityMain") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SS Gravity Main",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "OBJECTID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Gravity Main:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Lined",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lined:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Year_Lined",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Year Lined:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "UpstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Upstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "DownstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Downstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Slope",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Slope:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InterpolatedInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Interpolated Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LiftStationNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lift Station Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "{Hyperlink_ReportA}",
                              "caption" : "TV Report",
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                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{Hyperlink_ReportA}"
                              "title" : "{Hyperlink_VideoA}",
                              "caption" : "TV Video",
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                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{Hyperlink_VideoA}"
               }  else if (result.layerName == "ssLateralLine") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SS Lateral Line",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "OBJECTID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lateral Line:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "UpstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Upstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "DownstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Downstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Station",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Station:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "StationOffset",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Station Offset:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Wye",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Wye:"
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InterpolatedInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Interpolated Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LiftStationNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lift Station Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssFitting") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SS Fitting",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Sewer Fitting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Station",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Station:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "StationOffset",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Station Offset:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Wye",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Wye:"
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssSystemValve") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Sewer Valve",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Valve Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
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                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
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                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
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                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ssControlValve") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Sewer Valve",
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                              fieldName: "FacilityID",
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                              label: "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Valve Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Size:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Manufacturer",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Manufacturer:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Model",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Model:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "OdorControl",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Odor Control:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "In Service Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
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                              label : "Location:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy Position:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
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                              label : "Comments:"
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                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
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                              "caption" : "Valve Report",
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                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "swInlet") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SW Inlet",
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                              fieldName : "SubtypeCD",
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                              label : "Inlet Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
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                              label : "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "RimElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Rim Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InvertElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "WallMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Wall Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "StructureShape",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Structure Shape:"
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                              fieldName : "Dimension1",
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                              label : "Dimension1:"
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                              fieldName : "Dimension2",
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                              label : "Dimension2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccessType",
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                              label : "Access Type:"
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                              fieldName : "AccessDimension1",
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                              label : "Access Dimension1:"
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                              fieldName : "AccessDimension2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Access Dimension2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Positional Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InterpolatedInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Interpolated:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BasinNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Basin Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "NoDumpingSign",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "No Dumping Sign:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
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                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
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                              label : "GPS Comments:"
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                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "swOutlet") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SW Outlet",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "SubtypeCD",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Outlet Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "RimElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Rim Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InvertElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "WallMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Wall Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "StructureShape",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Structure Shape:"
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                              fieldName : "Dimension1",
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                              label : "Dimension1:"
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                              label : "Access Type:"
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                              label : "Access Dimension1:"
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                              fieldName : "AccessDimension2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Access Dimension2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Positional Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InterpolatedInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Interpolated:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BasinNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Basin Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "NoDumpingSign",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "No Dumping Sign:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
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                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
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                              label : "GPS Comments:"
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                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "swNetworkStructure") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SW Network Structure",
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                              fieldName : "SubtypeCD",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Network Structure Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
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                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "RimElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Rim Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InvertElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "WallMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Wall Material:"
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                              fieldName : "StructureShape",
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                              label : "Structure Shape:"
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                              fieldName : "Dimension1",
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                              label : "Dimension1:"
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                              label : "Access Type:"
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                              label : "Access Dimension1:"
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                              fieldName : "AccessDimension2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Access Dimension2:"
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                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
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                              label : "Positional Accuracy:"
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                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InterpolatedInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Interpolated:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BasinNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Basin Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
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                              label : "Comments:"
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               } else if (result.layerName == "swHeadwall") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SW Headwall",
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                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Headwall Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
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                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "RimElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Rim Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InvertElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "WallMaterial",
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                              label : "Wall Material:"
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                              fieldName : "StructureShape",
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                              label : "Structure Shape:"
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                              label : "Dimension1:"
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                              fieldName : "Dimension2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Dimension2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccessType",
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                              label : "Access Type:"
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                              label : "Access Dimension1:"
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                              fieldName : "AccessDimension2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Access Dimension2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BasinNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Basin Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
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                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
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                              label : "GPS Comments:"
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                              "value" : {
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                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "swFitting") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SW Fitting",
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                              fieldName : "SubtypeCD",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Stormwater Fitting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
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                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
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                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
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                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BasinNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Basin Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
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                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
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                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "swEndwall") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SW Endwall",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Endwall Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
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                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
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                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
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                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "RimElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Rim Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InvertElevation",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Elevation:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "WallMaterial",
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                              label : "Wall Material:"
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                              fieldName : "StructureShape",
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                              label : "Structure Shape:"
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                              fieldName : "Dimension1",
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                              label : "Dimension1:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Dimension2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Dimension2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccessType",
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                              label : "Access Type:"
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                              fieldName : "AccessDimension1",
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                              fieldName : "AccessDimension2",
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                              label : "Access Dimension2:"
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                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
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                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BasinNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Basin Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
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                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
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                              label : "GPS Comments:"
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                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "swGravityMain") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SW Gravity Main",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "SubtypeCD",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Gravity Main Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Material",
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                              label : "Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Measurement1",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Measurement1:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Measurement2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Measurement2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "UpstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Upstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "DownstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Downstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Slope",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Slope:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Positional Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BasinNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Basin Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "swDitches") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "SW Ditch:",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "OBJECTID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Ditch:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Material",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Measurement1",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Measurement1:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Measurement2",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Measurement2:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "UpstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Upstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "DownstreamInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Downstream Invert:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Slope",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Slope:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyPosition",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Positional Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AccuracyInvert",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Invert Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "BasinNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Basin Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "wHydrant") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Fire Hydrant",
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                              fieldName : "Fire_Hydrant_Number",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Fire Hydrant No.:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Address",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "USNG",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "USNG:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "MfYr",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Manufacture Year:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Manufactur",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Manufacture:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Model",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Model:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Size_",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Size:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Outlet",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Number of Outlets:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Valve",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Has a Valve:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Paint_Brand",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Paint Brand:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "CITY_PRIVA",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "wMeter") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Water Meter",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "LOCATION ID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Water Meter LOCID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "GIS Address",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Address:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "IMPERVIOUS CLASS",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Impervious Class:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "STATUS 1",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Account Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "MITIGATION CREDIT",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Mitigation Credit:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ACCOUNT IMPERVIOUS",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Account Impervious:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ERU_FINAL",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "ERU Final:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AMOUNT ASSESSED",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Stormwater Fee:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "JURISDICTION",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Jurisdiction:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "METER_NUMBER",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Meter Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "SERIAL_NUMBER",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Register Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "MeterDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Meter Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "COMMENTS",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "wSystemValve") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Water System Valve",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Valve Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Diameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Hydrant_Valve",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Hydrant Valve:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "wControlValve") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Water Control Valve",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Valve Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Diameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "wNetworkStructure") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Water Structure",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Structure Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Name",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Name:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Capacity",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Capacity:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "{HyperlinkA}",
                              "caption" : "Inlet Report",
                              "type" : "image",
                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "wMain") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Water Main",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "OBJECTID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Water Main:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Shape Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "wLateralLine") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Water Lateral Line",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "SubType",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Lateral Line Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Shape Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "wFitting") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Water Fitting",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Water Fitting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
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                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruHydrant") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Fire Hydrant",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Fire_Hydrant_Number",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Reuse Fire Hydrant No.:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Address",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "MfYr",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Manufacture Year:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Manufactur",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Manufacture:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Model",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Model:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Size_",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Size:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Outlet",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Number of Outlets:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Valve",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Has a Valve:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Paint_Brand",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Paint Brand:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "CITY_PRIVA",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruMeter") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Water Meter",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "LOCATION ID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Water Meter LOCID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "GIS Address",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Address:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "IMPERVIOUS CLASS",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Impervious Class:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "STATUS 1",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Account Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "MITIGATION CREDIT",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Mitigation Credit:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ACCOUNT IMPERVIOUS",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Account Impervious:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "ERU_FINAL",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "ERU Final:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AMOUNT ASSESSED",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Stormwater Fee:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "JURISDICTION",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Jurisdiction:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "METER_NUMBER",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Meter Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "SERIAL_NUMBER",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Register Number:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "MeterDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Meter Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "COMMENTS",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruSystemValve") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Valve",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Reuse Valve Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "In Service Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Diameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Hydrant_Valve",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Hydrant Valve:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruControlValve") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Valve",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName: "FacilityID",
                              visible: true,
                              label: "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Valve Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Size:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Manufacturer",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Manufacturer:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Model",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Model:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "OdorControl",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Odor Control:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "In Service Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
                         mediaInfos : [{
                              "title" : "{HyperlinkA}",
                              "caption" : "Valve Report",
                              "type" : "image",
                              "value" : {
                                   "sourceURL" : "images/Hyperlink.png",
                                   "linkURL" : "http://fwbgis/Documents/{HyperlinkA}"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruNetworkStructure") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Structure",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Reuse Structure Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Name",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Name:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LocationDescription",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Location Description:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Capacity",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Capacity:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruMain") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Main",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "OBJECTID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Reuse Main:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Shape Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruLateralLine") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Lateral Line",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "SubType",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Reuse Lateral Line Type:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeDiameter",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Diameter:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "PipeMaterial",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Pipe Material:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Shape.len",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Shape Length:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruFitting") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Fitting",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "Subtype",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Reuse Fitting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Accuracy",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Accuracy:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Owner",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Owner:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comments",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Comments:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Comment",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "GPS Comments:"
               } else if (result.layerName == "ruMonitoringWell") {
                    var template = new PopupTemplate({
                         title : "Reuse Monitoring Well",
                         fieldInfos : [{
                              fieldName : "FacilityID",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Facility ID:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "AsbuiltNumber",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Project No:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "InstallDate",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Install Date:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LAT",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Latitude:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "LON",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Longitude:"
                              fieldName : "Easting",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Easting:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Northing",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Northing:"
                         }, {
                              fieldName : "Height",
                              visible : true,
                              label : "Height:"
          //Select template based on layer name
          return feature;
     if (resultsid.length === 0) {
     } else {
     return resultsid;

function updateDynLayerVisibility() {
     var inputs = dojo.query(".dyn_item");
     for ( i = 0; i < inputs.length; i++) {
          if (inputs.checked) {
          } else {
     if (map.infoWindow.isShowing) {
               mapPoint : idParams.geometry
          //Rerun identify if infowindow is showing

//push only the visible layers that we want to identify to the tasks array
function addIdentMaps() {
     require(["esri/tasks/IdentifyTask"], function (IdentifyTask) {
     tasks = [];
     if (addressLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Addresses/MapServer"));
     if (cdbgLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/CDBG/MapServer"));
     if (annexoLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/AnnexOrdinances/MapServer"));
     if (deedsLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Deeds/MapServer"));
     if (ordinLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Ordinances/MapServer"));
     if (resoluLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Resolutions/MapServer"));
     if (easemLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Easements/MapServer"));
     if (rowLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/ROW_Projects/MapServer"));
     if (brownfLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Brownfields/MapServer"));
     if (citypropLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/CityProperty/MapServer"));
     if (firmLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/FIRM/MapServer"));
     if (firm2016Layer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/FIRM2016/MapServer"));
     if (codeLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/CodeEnforcement/MapServer"));
     if (eluLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/ELU/MapServer"));
     if (zoneLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Zoning/MapServer"));
     if (fluLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/FLU/MapServer"));
     if (garbageLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Garbage/MapServer"));
     if (yardwasteLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/YardWaste/MapServer"));
     if (recyclingLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Recycling/MapServer"));
     if (recyclingdropoffLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/RecyclingDropOff/MapServer"));
     if (hurricaneLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/HurricaneSurge/MapServer"));
     if (elevcertLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/ElevCert/MapServer"));
     if (neighLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Neighborhoods/MapServer"));
     if (wetlandsLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Wetlands/MapServer"));
     if (parksLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Parks/MapServer"));
     if (municipalLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Municipal/MapServer"));
     if (soilLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Soil/MapServer"));
     if (pciLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/PCI/MapServer"));
     if (sewerRLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/SewerReferences/MapServer"));
     if (waterRLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/WaterReferences/MapServer"));
     if (sewertapLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/SewerTaps/MapServer"));
     if (watertapLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/WaterTaps/MapServer"));
     if (subdivLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Subdivisions/MapServer"));
     if (stlightLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/StreetLights/MapServer"));
     if (stsignLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/StreetSigns/MapServer"));
     if (sewerLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/FWBSewer/MapServer"));
     if (stormLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/FWBStormwater/MapServer"));
     if (waterLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/FWBWater/MapServer"));
     if (reuseLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/FWBReuse/MapServer"));
     if (fdotmpLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/FDOTMilepost/MapServer"));
     if (parcelsarLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Parcels/MapServer"));
     if (parcelsLayer.visible == true) {
          tasks.push(new IdentifyTask("http://fwbgis/arcgis/rest/services/Maps/Parcels/MapServer"));

here is lods_extent.js:

function setExts(){
     require(["esri/geometry/Extent"], function (Extent) {
     //set initial extent
    initExtent = new Extent(-9651200, 3555500, -9636400, 3562470, spatialReference);

function setLods() {
lods = [{
               "level" : 4,
               "resolution" : 9783.93962049996,
               "scale" : 36978595.474472
          }, {
               "level" : 5,
               "resolution" : 4891.96981024998,
               "scale" : 18489297.737236
          }, {
               "level" : 6,
               "resolution" : 2445.98490512499,
               "scale" : 9244648.868618
          }, {
               "level" : 7,
               "resolution" : 1222.99245256249,
               "scale" : 4622324.434309
          }, {
               "level" : 8,
               "resolution" : 611.49622628138,
               "scale" : 2311162.217155
          }, {
               "level" : 9,
               "resolution" : 305.748113140558,
               "scale" : 1155581.108577
          }, {
               "level" : 10,
               "resolution" : 152.874056570411,
               "scale" : 577790.554289
          }, {
               "level" : 11,
               "resolution" : 76.4370282850732,
               "scale" : 288895.277144
          }, {
               "level" : 12,
               "resolution" : 38.2185141425366,
               "scale" : 144447.638572
          }, {
               "level" : 13,
               "resolution" : 19.1092570712683,
               "scale" : 72223.819286
          }, {
               "level" : 14,
               "resolution" : 9.55462853563415,
               "scale" : 36111.909643
          }, {
               "level" : 15,
               "resolution" : 4.77731426794937,
               "scale" : 18055.954822
          }, {
               "level" : 16,
               "resolution" : 2.38865713397468,
               "scale" : 9027.977411
          }, {
               "level" : 17,
               "resolution" : 1.19432856685505,
               "scale" : 4513.988705
          }, {
               "level" : 18,
               "resolution" : 0.597164283559817,
               "scale" : 2256.994353
          }, {
               "level" : 19,
               "resolution" : 0.298582141647617,
               "scale" : 1128.497176
          }, {
               "level" : 20,
               "resolution" : 0.149291444416222,
               "scale" : 564.25
          }, {
               "level" : 21,
               "resolution" : 0.0746,
               "scale" : 282.12
          }, {
               "level" : 22,
               "resolution" : 0.0373,
               "scale" : 141.06
          }, {
               "level" : 23,
               "resolution" : 0.0187,
               "scale" : 70.53
0 Kudos
Deactivated User

I don't think I'm using IdentifyAll.js. I was just using it as a reference to look over. That file is used for an older application on our website.

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


  So you had an issue in your require array:


    ], function(
      urlUtils, SpatialReference, Map, Search, esriBasemaps, BasemapLayer, Basemap,
      BasemapGallery, arcgisUtils, SpatialReference, Extent, GeometryService,
      ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, esriConfig, Legend, InfoWindowBase, InfoTemplate,
      Popup, PopupTemplate, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, IdentifyTask,
      IdentifyParameters, Color, string, domUtils, dom, domStyle, domConstruct, on,
      parser, arrayUtils) {

Basics of AMD style coding. You have to have your require array list and your require parameters match order. You had dojo/_base/array after dijit/TitlePane which meant that your array parameter was assigned as a different object class. Also you were using arrayUtils as the parameter name in your code but had it as array in your parameter list.

0 Kudos
Deactivated User

I fixed the above issues, but it still is not displaying information in the popup window. I think I need something like dojo.connect, like the one here.

var selectionHandler = dojo.connect(basemapGallery,"onSelectionChange",function(){

But I need it here, I think

function executeIdentifyTask (event) {
          identifyParams.geometry = event.mapPoint;
          identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent;

          var deferred = identifyTask
            .addCallback(function (response) {
              // response is an array of identify result objects
              // Let's return an array of features.
              return, function (result) {
                var feature = result.feature;
                   var layerName = result.layerName;

I'm not sure if I need that or not.

0 Kudos
MVP Emeritus


  I have it displaying info in the popup. Here is what I have:

<!DOCTYPE html>

  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8">
  <title>Future Land Use Map</title>
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />
  <link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="" />

    #map {
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;
      margin: 0;
      padding: 0;

    #search {
      display: block;
      position: absolute;
      z-index: 2;
      top: 20px;
      left: 74px;

    #mapPane {
      /*margin-left: 300px;*/
      padding: 0;
      border-left: solid 2px #224a54;
      background-color: #FFFFFF;
      height: 100%;
      width: 100%;

    #rightPane {
      width: 20%;

    #legendPane {
      border: solid #97DCF2 1px;

    #opacitySliderDiv {
      display: block;
      position: absolute;
      z-index: 2;
      bottom: 20px;
      left: 74px;
  <script type="text/javascript">
    var dojoConfig = {
      async: false,
      mblHideAddressBar: false,
      packages: [{
        name: "js",
        location: location.pathname.replace(/\/[^/]+$/, '') + '/js'
  <script src=""></script>
  <script type="text/javascript" src="js/lods_extent.js"></script>
  <!-- <script type="text/javascript" src="js/IdentifyAll.js"></script> -->
    var map;
    var initExtent;
    var lods = [];
    var spatialReference;

    ], function(
      urlUtils, SpatialReference, Map, Search, esriBasemaps, BasemapLayer, Basemap,
      BasemapGallery, arcgisUtils, SpatialReference, Extent, GeometryService,
      ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer, esriConfig, Legend, InfoWindowBase, InfoTemplate,
      Popup, PopupTemplate, SimpleFillSymbol, SimpleLineSymbol, IdentifyTask,
      IdentifyParameters, Color, string, domUtils, dom, domStyle, domConstruct, on,
      parser, arrayUtils) {


      //Geometry Service
      esriConfig.defaults.geometryService = new GeometryService("");
      //""); = ""; = false; = false;

        urlPrefix: "",
        proxyUrl: ""
        urlPrefix: "",
        proxyUrl: ""
        urlPrefix: "",
        proxyUrl: ""
      spatialReference = new SpatialReference({
        wkid: 102100

      var legendLayers = [];
      var basemaps = [];
      var identifyTask;
      var identifyParams;

      var popup = new Popup({
        fillSymbol: new SimpleFillSymbol(SimpleFillSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
          new SimpleLineSymbol(SimpleLineSymbol.STYLE_SOLID,
            new Color([255, 0, 0]), 2),
          new Color([255, 255, 0, 0.25]))
      }, domConstruct.create("div"));

      var map = new Map("map", {
        extent: initExtent,
        lods: lods,
        map: aerielLayer,
        infoWindow: popup

      map.on("load", mapReady);

      var aerielLayer = new BasemapLayer({
        url: ""

      var aerielBasemap = new Basemap({
        layers: [aerielLayer],
        id: "2016 Aeriel",
        title: "2016 Aeriel",
        thumbnailUrl: "Images/basemap_streets.jpg"


      var basemapGallery = new BasemapGallery({
        showArcGISBasemaps: false,
        basemaps: basemaps,
        map: map
      }, "basemapGalleryDiv");

      var search = new Search({
        map: map
      }, "search");


      var fluURL = "";

      var selectionHandler = dojo.connect(basemapGallery, "onSelectionChange", function() {

        var addressLayer = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
          visible: true,
          id: "addresses"

        var parcelsAR = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
          visible: true,
          id: "parcelsAR"

        var roadNames = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
          visible: true,
          id: "roadNames"

        var cityLimits = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer("", {
          visible: true,
          id: "cityLimits"

        var flu = new ArcGISDynamicMapServiceLayer(fluURL, {
          visible: true,
          outFields: ["Zoning"],
          id: "flu",
          opacity: 0.5

        map.on("layers-add-result", function() {
          var legend = new Legend({
            map: map,
            layerInfos: legendLayers
          }, "legendDiv");
          layer: flu,
          title: "Future Land Use"
        map.addLayers([parcelsAR, flu, cityLimits, roadNames, addressLayer]);

      function mapReady() {
        map.on("click", executeIdentifyTask);
        //create identify tasks and setup parameters
        identifyTask = new IdentifyTask(fluURL);

        identifyParams = new IdentifyParameters();
        identifyParams.tolerance = 3;
        identifyParams.returnGeometry = true;
        identifyParams.layerIds = [0];
        identifyParams.layerOption = IdentifyParameters.LAYER_OPTION_VISIBLE;
        identifyParams.width = map.width;
        identifyParams.height = map.height;

      function executeIdentifyTask(event) {
        identifyParams.geometry = event.mapPoint;
        identifyParams.mapExtent = map.extent;

        var deferred = identifyTask
          .addCallback(function(response) {
            // response is an array of identify result objects
            // Let's return an array of features.
            return, function(result) {
              var feature = result.feature;
              var layerName = result.layerName;

              feature.attributes.layerName = layerName;
              if (layerName === 'FUTURE LAND USE') {
                var zoningTemplate = new InfoTemplate("Zoning: ${Zoning}");
              // } else if (layerName === 'FUTURE LAND USE') {
              //   console.log(feature.attributes.Addresses);
              //   var addressTemplate = new InfoTemplate("",
              //     "Address: ${Addresses}");
              //   feature.setInfoTemplate(addressTemplate);
              // }
              return feature;

        // InfoWindow expects an array of features from each deferred
        // object that you pass. If the response from the task execution
        // above is not an array of features, then you need to add a callback
        // like the one above to post-process the response and return an
        // array of features.


<body class="claro">
  <div id="search"></div>
  <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/BorderContainer" data-dojo-props="design:'headline', gutters:false" style="width:100%;height:100%;margin:0;">

    <div id="map" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region:'center'" style="padding:0;">
    <div id="rightPane" data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" data-dojo-props="region:'right'">

      <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/AccordionContainer">
        <div data-dojo-type="dijit/layout/ContentPane" id="legendPane" data-dojo-props="title:'Legend', selected:true">
          <div id="legendDiv"></div>
      <div id="mapDiv"></div>

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Deactivated User

I went through my whole code and nothing was really different except for the function was in a block instead of all being on one line. Now it works! Thank you so much, Robert! I've been banging my head on this for over a week.

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