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Consume Globe Service in Web Application

06-15-2010 09:58 AM
New Contributor
Hi all,

In ArcGIS Server documentation, in types of services, globe service, the documentation says that in order to consume a globe service via a web application, one has to use ArcGIS JavaScript Extension for Virtual Earth.

Is there an example of code, how this is done?

I tried to tweak the "Adding an ArcGIS Server service to Bing Maps" example and replaced the rest service url, with the rest globe service url, but nothing came up on the map...

George J.
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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor
George, I think you might have misunderstood the help document:

The Web and mobile Application Developer Frameworks (ADFs) for ArcGIS Server do not have controls for consuming globe services. ArcGIS Explorer is the recommended application for viewing globe services in a lightweight client.

The only way to view ArcGIS Server services in 3D in a Web application is to use the ArcGIS JavaScript Extension for Virtual Earth to view a cached map service (JG: NOT GLOBE SERVICES) draped over the Virtual Earth globe.

I hope this helps,
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