I would like concatenate two attributes in pop up. I 'd like to merge these attributes
like that
Thank you for your help!
Solved! Go to Solution.
I found!!The arcade expressions have to be in the template properties and not out. With your function concatenate it works.
const template = {
// autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{IDARRET} / {NOMARRET} <i>/ {MNLP_HASTUS}</i>",
lastEditInfoEnabled : false,
expressionInfos: [{
name: "loca",
title: "Localisation",
// defined in separate script element
expression: `Concatenate([$feature.ADRESSE, TextFormatting.NewLine, $feature.VILLE])`
name: "Coord",
title: img_coord,
`function MetersToLatLon(x, y) {
// Converts XY point from Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 to lat/lon in WGS84 Datum
// Fuente: http://www.maptiler.org/google-maps-coordinates-tile-bounds-projection/
var originShift = 2.0 * PI * 6378137.0 / 2.0;
var lon = (x / originShift) * 180.0;
var lat = (y / originShift) * 180.0;
lat = 180.0 / PI * (2.0 * Atan( Exp( lat * PI / 180.0)) - PI / 2.0);
return [lat, lon];
var latlon = MetersToLatLon(Geometry($feature).X, Geometry($feature).Y);
//var url = CreateWazeURL(latlon[0], latlon[1]);
//return round(latlon[0],2)+"-------"+ round(latlon[1],2);
var a = 6378137; //demi grand axe de l'ellipsoide (m)
var e = 0.08181919106; //première excentricité de l'ellipsoide
var l0 = PI /180 * 3
var lc = l0
var phi0 = PI / 180 * 46.5 // latitude d origine en radian
var phi1 = PI / 180 * 44 // 1er parallele automécoïque
var phi2 = PI / 180 * 49 // 2eme parallele automécoïque
var x0 = 700000; //coordonnées à l'origine
var y0 = 6600000; //coordonnées à l'origine
var long = latlon[0]
var lat = latlon[1]
var phi = (PI / 180) * long;
var l = (PI / 180) * lat;
//calcul des grandes normales
var gN1 = a / Sqrt(1 - e * e * Sin(phi1) * Sin(phi1));
var gN2 = a / Sqrt(1 - e * e * Sin(phi2) * Sin(phi2));
//calculs des latitudes isométriques
var gl1 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi1 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi1)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi1)), e / 2));
var gl2 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi2 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi2)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi2)), e / 2));
var gl0 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi0 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi0)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi0)), e / 2));
var gl = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi)), e / 2));
//calcul de l'exposant de la projection
var n = (Log((gN2 * Cos(phi2)) / (gN1 * Cos(phi1)))) / (gl1 - gl2);//ok
//calcul de la constante de projection
var c = ((gN1 * Cos(phi1)) / n) * Exp(n * gl1);//ok
//calcul des coordonnées
var ys = y0 + c * Exp(-1 * n * gl0);
var $x = x0 + c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Sin(n * (l - lc));
// var y93 = ys - c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Cos(n * (l - lc));
//var $x= (($c*exp(-$n*($lat_iso)))*sin($n*(latlon[0]-3)/180*PI)+$xs);
var $y = ys - c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Cos(n * (l - lc));
return round($x,2) +TextFormatting.NewLine+ round($y,2)`
} ],
// It is also possible to set the fieldInfos outside of the content
// directly in the popupTemplate. If no fieldInfos is specifically set
// in the content, it defaults to whatever may be set within the popupTemplate.
type: "fields",
fieldInfos: [
fieldName: "expression/loca",
//expression : "$feature.ADRESSE",
label: img_adresse,
fieldName: "expression/Coord",
actions: [editPROD,editPROJ1,editPROJ2],
Thank you @Sage_Wall !
The easiest way to do this would be to use an Arcade expression to concatenate the two attribute values:
Concatenate([$feature.FIELD1, TextFormatting.NewLine, $feature.FIELD2])
Then use that arcade expression in your popup. There is an sample for using arcade in popups located here: https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/popuptemplate-arcade/
Thank you @Sage_Wall but it doesn't work. I tried with Concatenate and without this function and nothing happens.
const arcadeExpressionInfos = [
name: "loca",
title: "Localisation",
// defined in separate script element
expression: `$feature.IDARRET+ TextFormatting.NewLine + $feature.IDARRET" `
}, {
name: "Coord",
title: img_coord,
`function MetersToLatLon(x, y) {
// Converts XY point from Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 to lat/lon in WGS84 Datum
// Fuente: http://www.maptiler.org/google-maps-coordinates-tile-bounds-projection/
var originShift = 2.0 * PI * 6378137.0 / 2.0;
var lon = (x / originShift) * 180.0;
var lat = (y / originShift) * 180.0;
lat = 180.0 / PI * (2.0 * Atan( Exp( lat * PI / 180.0)) - PI / 2.0);
return [lat, lon];
var latlon = MetersToLatLon(Geometry($feature).X, Geometry($feature).Y);
//var url = CreateWazeURL(latlon[0], latlon[1]);
//return round(latlon[0],2)+"-------"+ round(latlon[1],2);
var a = 6378137; //demi grand axe de l'ellipsoide (m)
var e = 0.08181919106; //première excentricité de l'ellipsoide
var l0 = PI /180 * 3
var lc = l0
var phi0 = PI / 180 * 46.5 // latitude d origine en radian
var phi1 = PI / 180 * 44 // 1er parallele automécoïque
var phi2 = PI / 180 * 49 // 2eme parallele automécoïque
var x0 = 700000; //coordonnées à l'origine
var y0 = 6600000; //coordonnées à l'origine
var long = latlon[0]
var lat = latlon[1]
var phi = (PI / 180) * long;
var l = (PI / 180) * lat;
//calcul des grandes normales
var gN1 = a / Sqrt(1 - e * e * Sin(phi1) * Sin(phi1));
var gN2 = a / Sqrt(1 - e * e * Sin(phi2) * Sin(phi2));
//calculs des latitudes isométriques
var gl1 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi1 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi1)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi1)), e / 2));
var gl2 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi2 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi2)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi2)), e / 2));
var gl0 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi0 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi0)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi0)), e / 2));
var gl = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi)), e / 2));
//calcul de l'exposant de la projection
var n = (Log((gN2 * Cos(phi2)) / (gN1 * Cos(phi1)))) / (gl1 - gl2);//ok
//calcul de la constante de projection
var c = ((gN1 * Cos(phi1)) / n) * Exp(n * gl1);//ok
//calcul des coordonnées
var ys = y0 + c * Exp(-1 * n * gl0);
var $x = x0 + c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Sin(n * (l - lc));
// var y93 = ys - c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Cos(n * (l - lc));
//var $x= (($c*exp(-$n*($lat_iso)))*sin($n*(latlon[0]-3)/180*PI)+$xs);
var $y = ys - c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Cos(n * (l - lc));
return round($x,2) +TextFormatting.NewLine+ round($y,2)`
const template = {
// autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{IDARRET} / {NOMARRET} <i>/ {MNLP_HASTUS}</i>",
lastEditInfoEnabled : false,
// It is also possible to set the fieldInfos outside of the content
// directly in the popupTemplate. If no fieldInfos is specifically set
// in the content, it defaults to whatever may be set within the popupTemplate.
type: "fields",
fieldInfos: [
fieldName: "expression/loca",
//expression : arcadeExpressionInfos,
label: img_adresse,
fieldName: "VILLE",
label: "Ville",
fieldName: "MNLP_HASTUS",
label: "MNLP Hastus",
fieldName: "expression/Coord",
expressionInfos: arcadeExpressionInfos
actions: [editPROD,editPROJ1,editPROJ2],
And on the pop up,
This link helps me https://developers.arcgis.com/javascript/latest/sample-code/sandbox/?sample=popuptemplate-arcade .
I don't know what I missed!
Are you getting any errors in the console by chance? Just looking at the code snippet provided I'm not seeing anything that jumps out as me as being wrong either. You might try simplifying things and seeing if you can get one simple expression to work and then build up from there. One thing I'm not totally sure of is if `fieldInfos` will take the expression with the `Textformatting.NewLine` function in it. You might try removing it as a test.
Is there any way you could send a codepen or some other complete sample that works except for the popup expressions to help debug?
I found!!The arcade expressions have to be in the template properties and not out. With your function concatenate it works.
const template = {
// autocasts as new PopupTemplate()
title: "{IDARRET} / {NOMARRET} <i>/ {MNLP_HASTUS}</i>",
lastEditInfoEnabled : false,
expressionInfos: [{
name: "loca",
title: "Localisation",
// defined in separate script element
expression: `Concatenate([$feature.ADRESSE, TextFormatting.NewLine, $feature.VILLE])`
name: "Coord",
title: img_coord,
`function MetersToLatLon(x, y) {
// Converts XY point from Spherical Mercator EPSG:900913 to lat/lon in WGS84 Datum
// Fuente: http://www.maptiler.org/google-maps-coordinates-tile-bounds-projection/
var originShift = 2.0 * PI * 6378137.0 / 2.0;
var lon = (x / originShift) * 180.0;
var lat = (y / originShift) * 180.0;
lat = 180.0 / PI * (2.0 * Atan( Exp( lat * PI / 180.0)) - PI / 2.0);
return [lat, lon];
var latlon = MetersToLatLon(Geometry($feature).X, Geometry($feature).Y);
//var url = CreateWazeURL(latlon[0], latlon[1]);
//return round(latlon[0],2)+"-------"+ round(latlon[1],2);
var a = 6378137; //demi grand axe de l'ellipsoide (m)
var e = 0.08181919106; //première excentricité de l'ellipsoide
var l0 = PI /180 * 3
var lc = l0
var phi0 = PI / 180 * 46.5 // latitude d origine en radian
var phi1 = PI / 180 * 44 // 1er parallele automécoïque
var phi2 = PI / 180 * 49 // 2eme parallele automécoïque
var x0 = 700000; //coordonnées à l'origine
var y0 = 6600000; //coordonnées à l'origine
var long = latlon[0]
var lat = latlon[1]
var phi = (PI / 180) * long;
var l = (PI / 180) * lat;
//calcul des grandes normales
var gN1 = a / Sqrt(1 - e * e * Sin(phi1) * Sin(phi1));
var gN2 = a / Sqrt(1 - e * e * Sin(phi2) * Sin(phi2));
//calculs des latitudes isométriques
var gl1 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi1 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi1)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi1)), e / 2));
var gl2 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi2 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi2)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi2)), e / 2));
var gl0 = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi0 / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi0)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi0)), e / 2));
var gl = Log(Tan(PI / 4 + phi / 2) * Pow((1 - e * Sin(phi)) / (1 + e * Sin(phi)), e / 2));
//calcul de l'exposant de la projection
var n = (Log((gN2 * Cos(phi2)) / (gN1 * Cos(phi1)))) / (gl1 - gl2);//ok
//calcul de la constante de projection
var c = ((gN1 * Cos(phi1)) / n) * Exp(n * gl1);//ok
//calcul des coordonnées
var ys = y0 + c * Exp(-1 * n * gl0);
var $x = x0 + c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Sin(n * (l - lc));
// var y93 = ys - c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Cos(n * (l - lc));
//var $x= (($c*exp(-$n*($lat_iso)))*sin($n*(latlon[0]-3)/180*PI)+$xs);
var $y = ys - c * Exp(-1 * n * gl) * Cos(n * (l - lc));
return round($x,2) +TextFormatting.NewLine+ round($y,2)`
} ],
// It is also possible to set the fieldInfos outside of the content
// directly in the popupTemplate. If no fieldInfos is specifically set
// in the content, it defaults to whatever may be set within the popupTemplate.
type: "fields",
fieldInfos: [
fieldName: "expression/loca",
//expression : "$feature.ADRESSE",
label: img_adresse,
fieldName: "expression/Coord",
actions: [editPROD,editPROJ1,editPROJ2],
Thank you @Sage_Wall !