Hello ESRI community,
I need help with a problem I am having using the ArcGIS API for JavaScript - v18. Well the problem is that I want to try to change the points that comes from a cycle-parking API by some images depending on the parking if it is "GOLD" or "SILVER" should place the image that corresponds to it with respect to the VALUE. Then as I am doing it it does not render me the points that I need to change by the images or it shows me the error, my code is the following one:
<meta charset="utf-8" />
content="initial-scale=1, maximum-scale=1, user-scalable=no"
<title>Prueba - ArcGIS API for JavaScript</title>
#viewDiv {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
#titleDiv {
position: absolute;
height: 55px;
width: 100%;
display: flex;
justify-content: space-between;
color: #f8f8f8;
background: #464646;
z-index: 1;
#title {
margin: 15px;
font-size: 20px;
overflow: hidden;
.invisible {
visibility: collapse;
.esri-expand .esri-expand__content {
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max-height: 100%;
.esri-view-width-less-than-small .esri-zoom .esri-widget--button {
display: none;
<script src="https://js.arcgis.com/4.18/"></script>
], function (esriConfig, Map, MapView, Expand ,Directions,FeatureLayer ) {
esriConfig.apiKey =
var map = new Map({
basemap: "topo-vector",
var view = new MapView({
title: document.getElementById("title").innerHTML = "Cicloparqueaderos Certificados Bogota D.C",
container: "viewDiv",
map: map,
center: [-74.093, 4.637],
zoom: 12,
//Image gold
const goldImg = {
type: "picture-marker",
url: "https://i.ibb.co/5YggNTj/oro.png"
//Image Silver
const silverImg = {
type: "picture-marker",
url: "https://i.ibb.co/SQhxKHT/plata.png"
var pointsRenderer = {
type: "unique-value",
uniqueValueInfos: [
value: "1",
symbol: goldImg
}, {
value: "2",
symbol: silverImg
var trailheadsLayer = new FeatureLayer({
renderer: pointsRenderer,
outFields: ["*"],
popupTemplate: {
title: "Cicloparqueaderos Certificados Bogota D.C {COD_CICP}",
content: [
type: "fields", // FieldsContentElement
fieldInfos: [
fieldName: "COD_CICP",
visible: true,
label: "Codigo_Cicloparqueadero",
fieldName: "NOMBRE_CICP",
visible: true,
label: "Nombre_Cicloparqueadero",
fieldName: "HORARIO_CICP",
visible: true,
label: "Horario_CicP",
fieldName: "DIRECCION",
visible: true,
label: "DIRECCION",
fieldName: "LOCALIDAD",
visible: true,
label: "LOCALIDAD",
fieldName: "CUPOS",
visible: true,
label: "Cupos_Bici",
fieldName: "TIPOLOGIA_CICP",
visible: true,
label: "Tipologia_Cicloparqueadero",
fieldName: "SELLO",
visible: true,
label: "SELLO_TIPO",
var directionsWidget = new Directions({
view: view,
// Apunte la URL a un servicio de ruta válido que utilice un
// Proxy de servicio alojado de ArcGIS Online en lugar del servicio predeterminado
container: document.createElement("div")
var directionsExpand = new Expand({
view: view,
content: new Directions({
view: view,
container: document.createElement("div")
// Load
isResponsiveSize = view.widthBreakpoint === "xsmall";
// Breakpoints
view.watch("widthBreakpoint", function(breakpoint) {
switch (breakpoint) {
case "xsmall":
case "small":
case "medium":
case "large":
case "xlarge":
function updateView(isMobile) {
function setTitleMobile(isMobile) {
if (isMobile) {
view.padding = {
top: 0
} else {
view.padding = {
top: 55
function setLegendMobile(isMobile) {
var toAdd = isMobile ? directionsExpand : directionsWidget;
var toRemove = isMobile ? directionsWidget : directionsExpand;
view.ui.add(toAdd, "top-right");
// Agrega el widget Indicaciones en la esquina superior derecha de la vista
// view.ui.add(directionsExpand, {
// position: "top-right",
// });
<div id="titleDiv" class="esri-widget"><div id="title"></div></div>
<div id="viewDiv"></div>
<div id="instruction" class="esri-widget">
Haga clic en cualquier ubicación en el mapa para ver su dirección postal
The points I want to change for the images are these:
link api (https://services2.arcgis.com/NEwhEo9GGSHXcRXV/arcgis/rest/services/Cicloparqueaderos_Certificados_Bo...?)
Final or expected result, the problem with this api is that they are not all points (in short outdated) and also is another, but with the images have a result like the following image:
link api: https://serviciosgis.catastrobogota.gov.co/arcgis/rest/services/movilidad/cicloparqueadero/MapServer
I hope you can help me, thank you.