This might be a Calcite issue more than JS API issue, but has anybody been able to figure this out? I can't seem to be able to use Calcite 1.0.3 with the Editor widget in JS 4.25. Simply adding:
<script src="" type="module"></script>
to the html is enough to break the Editor widget, it messes up the layer display a bit and then if you hit back everything turns into Radio buttons and it no longer works.
Here's a CodePen showing the behavior. This is the JS Editor example for 4.25 all I did was add the link to calcite on line 10 and the Editor widget is now broken. Any ideas would be helpful, thanks.
Hi @NicholasRolstad2, I believe the issue is that version 4.25 of the ArcGIS Map SDK for JavaScript was packaged with version 1.0.0-beta.97 of Calcite, so that is the recommended version of Calcite to use with 4.25.