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Authenticate ArcGIS on premise

05-25-2024 01:37 AM
New Contributor

I tried to do an auth. by using esriRequest.interceptors.push, but I couldn't get the response

here's my code:

"esri/config"], (Map, MapView, Search, IdentityManager, esriConfig, esriRequest) => {

if (esriRequest && esriRequest.interceptors) {
urls: "<on Premise ArcGIS url>", // Replace with your server URL pattern
before: function (params) {
console.log("Interceptor hit", params); // Log to check if the interceptor is working
params.requestOptions.headers = params.requestOptions.headers || {};
params.requestOptions.headers.Authorization = `Basic ${token}`;
error: function (error) {
console.error("Request error", error); // Log any errors in the request
return Promise.reject(error);
} else {
console.error("esriRequest or esriRequest.interceptors is not defined");


And always I get the "esriRequest or esriRequest.interceptors is not defined"

I use version 4.29 , anyone can solve this issue?

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3 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @OssamaHamed,

esriRequest doesn't have a `interceptors` property.  This property needs to be set on esri config.

const featureLayerUrl = "";

  // set the `urls` property to the URL of the FeatureLayer so that this
  // interceptor only applies to requests made to the FeatureLayer URL
  urls: featureLayerUrl,
  // use the BeforeInterceptorCallback to check if the query of the
  // FeatureLayer has a maxAllowableOffset property set.
  // if so, then set the maxAllowableOffset to 0
  before: function(params) {
    if (params.requestOptions.query.maxAllowableOffset) {
      params.requestOptions.query.maxAllowableOffset = 0;
  // use the AfterInterceptorCallback to check if `ssl` is set to 'true'
  // on the response to the request, if it's set to 'false', change
  // the value to 'true' before returning the response
  after: function(response) {
    if (!response.ssl) {
      response.ssl = true;


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New Contributor

Hi @Sage_Wall ,

Thanks for your reply.

Actually I tried your approach with no luck.

The main target of my code to show the basemap in the web app by open a connection between the url of basemap through code.

urls: "<<Basemap Url>>", 
before: function (params) {
console.log("Interceptor hit", params); // Log to check if the interceptor is working
params.requestOptions.headers = params.requestOptions.headers || {};
params.requestOptions.headers.Authorization = `Basic ${token}`;
error: function (error) {
console.error("Request error", error); // Log any errors in the request
return Promise.reject(error);

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Esri Regular Contributor

Seems like you have esriRequest and esriConfig incorrectly configured, along with missing references. Try this instead:

"esri/config"], (EsriMap, MapView, Search, IdentityManager, ServerInfo, esriRequest, esriConfig) => {


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