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ASP .NET Core ArcGIS Web Application

10-15-2020 10:30 AM
Emerging Contributor

Hi folks: I am currently trying to create an application using MS ASP .NET Core 2.1 MVC Application with Bootstrap 4.5.3 and the ArcGIS javascript 4.16 library. I'm constrained to Core 2.1 rather than 3.x because the back end database is an Oracle Enterprise GDB and they don't have libraries compatible with the latest Core and Entity Framework applications.

I am not seeing any examples of such applications in the wild nor are there any references I can find in ESRI documentation. Has anyone had any success with this or can you point me at some documentation and/or example code?

I have successfully been able to create an application that displays a map, connects to the database via it's data context class, and has a few widgets but there are some styling issues I've encountered that have me stymied. e.g. for some reason I need to set the height of the viewDiv once the page has been loaded.

Any suggestions would be helpful.

TIA & regards,


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