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Arcgis js 4.19 touch events in hybrid application

06-08-2021 07:16 PM
New Contributor

Hi All ,

       I'm new to ArcGIS. Currently trying to build a hybrid prototype application using Vue and capacitor with embedded Arcgis 3D view (SceneView). When trying to interact with the map, the touch events are not working as I would have expected. On Ios/Android if touch is used to try to move the map it snaps into different locations, trying to use pinch to zoom in/out very draggy on Ios and on android works by holding one finder and moving the other.
Is there a way to set those touch events probably in a hybrid app ?

I tried the following 

view.navigation.browserTouchPanEnabled = true
setting the navigation properties when initializing the Scene 
navigation:  {
  gamepad: {
  enabled: true
 browserTouchPanEnabled: true,
 momentumEnabled: true,
 mouseWheelZoomEnabled: true
added e.preventDefault to pointer-down/enter/leave and move ios:14.6 ,
Android Version: 11




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1 Reply
Esri Regular Contributor

One suggestion is to get your basic app running in Vue without capacitor: That will help identify any non-Capacitor related performance issues. Also be sure to check out the system requirements documentation:  

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