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ArcGIS ClosestFacilityParameters how to set id to get the best route?

08-04-2022 06:32 PM
Occasional Contributor

Hello everyone!

I am currently trying to categorize routes,  how do I determine which id the line is from the obtained route?

Here is the code I am using:



const facilities = [
            id: "school",
            center: [-122.67484, 45.52087],
            id: "library",
            center: [-122.68365, 45.52327],
            id: "playground",
            center: [-122.66406, 45.52378],
            id: "amusementPark",
            center: [-122.6631, 45.52093],
            id: "factory",
            center: [-122.66208, 45.5197],
            id: "hospital",
            center: [-122.66247, 45.51845],
            id: "market",
            center: [-122.66299, 45.51827],



Reference material: Closest facility routing .

Thanks in advance,


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