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Arcgis Arcade script file extension

08-20-2022 10:13 PM
Emerging Contributor


I want to use arcade in a separated file in order to debug it.

is it possible? if so, what file extension the script file should have?


Thank you all!

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1 Reply
MVP Frequent Contributor


Use IDE for writing Arcade expressions - Esri Community

Tips for debugging Arcade scripts in VSCode/Node.j... - Esri Community


You can use external IDEs to get a nice syntax highlighting, but you probably won't be able to really debug it, since many Arcade functions (especially the FeatureSetBy*() functions) are specific to the ArcGIS environment.

For me, the best way to test and debug is either the Playground | ArcGIS Arcade | ArcGIS Developers or a testing dashboard loaded with the data I actually work with.


Have a great day!
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