I need to display and animate moving points along a line.
I need to display a direction for each point, similar to the GPS position symbol in the google maps for android app.
I have a few ideas/clues; css rotation, streamlayer.
Does anyone know about any existing libraries for this functionality?
What kind of symbol could be appropriate ( a composite symbol? )
How would you go about solving this?
Could you use the elevation profile widget as an example?
Something like this: http://www.arcgis.com/apps/Elevations/index.html?webmap=8dd583ea3de64e40b92ea5a261d0c6c8
Take a look at the last bundled example that Riyas provided in this thread. It uses some CSS styling to animate a hash pattern along a line. It's not quite what you want but it's something.
Thanks for the tips, I'll check them out.
There's a similar question to this using Android and Esri's sdk, may be it helps: https://community.esri.com/thread/211870-how-do-i-animate-the-polyline-like-uber-app-in-android-and-...