If you need now of this functionality I have create a simple soe where you can return measure M or create a point from M. http://www.arcgis.com/home/item.html?id=e3bfa7c991e34aa8872c937ca9169507
I also have added the test project (live) in js api esri.
Given the latest version of ArcGIS Server and the latest Javascript API, what is the best method to 1) get measures down an m polyline based on a user click on the line and 2) dynamically displaying point values on a polyline based on a table of measured events down that line?
You can use my soe for get measures down an m polyline based on a user click on the line. For dynamically displaying point values on a polyline based on a table of measured events down that line depends if you have yet set in service this configuration or you need create on the fly the table and create the visualization on the fly. For this second approch I use a my soe. Esri has an Extension Desktop and Server for manager LRS http://desktop.arcgis.com/en/desktop/latest/guide-books/extensions/roads-and-highways/esri-roads-and... see also: http://blogs.esri.com/esri/arcgis/2011/08/19/a-server-object-extension-for-performing-dynamic-segmen...
Thank you...we loaded your soe onto our server with no issues and it is working well for us. It is exactly what we needed. Great job on this extension.
The dynamic segmentation utility has been very helpful. It seems, though, that the routeMeasureUnit parameter is not affecting the output at all. I can enter esriMeters or esriMiles and I get the same output. Does the service default to esriMeters? Have you seen this same behavior in your use of the utility?
Yes, I have same behavior. In code I have checked and I set the routeMeasureUnit correctly but there's something I don't get! Peraphs I need get unit of spatial reference and convert manually unit but in these case I don't understand use of the property routeMeasureUnit
Thanks again for this utility...it has been very helpful. In my application I have a set of data that contains mile points and I am using these mile points to draw lines/points along the route. So, I initially tried to use esriMiles as my route unit, but I was getting the same results as when I used esriMeters as my units.
To get around the issue I'm converting from miles to meters before I make the utility PointLocation and LineLocation service calls, so I'm able to work around it. Just thought I would let you know in case there is an easy fix to the issue.
Thanks again,
I have fixed Thanks