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Zone Lookup ESRI Example - Configuration

11-03-2024 09:59 PM
New Contributor

Hi ESRI Community,

I’m working on building an Instant App in ArcGIS Online similar to the “Build an app where users can identify school districts based on address or location” example from ESRI. I’d like my app to allow users to look up vegetation and species for each state in Australia.

Could anyone share more about the specific parameters and configurations that are used in the ESRI Instant App (Zone Lookup) example for this purpose?

Is there a way to find the exact configurations of this example?

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1 Reply
Esri Frequent Contributor

If you have a public web map you'd like to use we can help you set it up. Otherwise here are the general settings:

About section: 

Header: disabled

Legend: disabled

Title for introduction: "Welcome!"

Edit introduction window: "<p>Zoom into a state or use the search bar to learn more about U.S. school districts! Results will show information about the grade levels offered and the number of schools in each district.</p><p>You can also use the "Use current location" button</p>"

Add find my current location: Enabled

Zone Lookup section


Search type: "Features within a zone"

Select layer to use as a search zone : US School Districts 

Layers to include in results: Public Schools 

Group results by layer: Enabled

Collapse results: Disabled

Clear results with clear search button: Enabled

Enable pop-up for layers not included in results: Enabled

Enable pop-up on zoom: Enabled

Expand related record: Disabled

Export: Enabled

Screenshot: Disabled

Export to CSV: Enabled



Explore Navigate 

Scalebar: Enabled

Zoom Controls: Enabled

Home Button: Enabled

Find current location: Enabled

All other tools in this section disabled


Selection fill color: Enabled

Color: Yellow


Sharing: Enabled

Include embed options: Disabled

Social media sharing: Enabled 


Let me know if you have any questions about these settings



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