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Geoform - phone

01-04-2016 01:05 PM
Frequent Contributor

I've created a geoform and it's working fine when accessed on a PC but it's not working on my phone (android). My phone will display the map and the "complete form" button at the bottom but that's it. It also displays an error of "unable to create map: form layer does not exist. Please configure the application and set the layer." Anyone else run into this?

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8 Replies
Esri Esteemed Contributor

Hi Brian,

To help troubleshoot this I would recommend creating a new GeoForm application from another web map and see if the issue is reproducible.  This will narrow the issue down to determine if it's the phone or the application causing the issue.

Also, have you tried another phone?

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I tested the geoform app with a new webmap and got the same results. I went ahead and tested it with a different layer/webmap with the same results as well. I'm not sure what I'm missing here. I have only been able to test it on android phones but the results have all be the same.

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Frequent Contributor

Ok I had a similar issue but it ended up being resolved when I changed sharing permissions and was not related to the device or browser.

See the thread here unable to create map: form layer does not exist · Issue #491 · Esri/geoform-template-js · GitHub

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Frequent Contributor

I shared the map and the app with the specific group I'm in but I'm still having the same issue. Am I missing something? Also, I have no problem using it on a PC in a browser.

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Frequent Contributor

Check all content in the map too - is you r layer shared the same way?

Sent from my iPhone

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Frequent Contributor

In the map details there only shows 3 layers: my geoform pt layer, the light gray canvas base/mapserver layer, and the light gray canvas reference/mapserver. My geoform pt layer is a feature service hosted on our ArcServer. I'm not aware of any 'sharing' ability for a feature service.

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Frequent Contributor

Brian -

Ok if you are using ArcGIS Server that is most likely a different problem,

I apologize if I mislead you.

Have you contacted

- Paul

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Frequent Contributor

Don't worry about it, I appreciate the help. Thanks!

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