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App of the Week

05-11-2017 09:35 AM
Esri Alum

Each week a new featured app will appear on the Configurable Apps site. This discussion will reference each app and the additional information about the app.

11 Replies
Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week, May 4 -10, 2017

University of Minnesota Building Location

Featured App Info

This weeks featured App is from the University of Minnesota. Although this may seem like a simple app, it is a useful location map that is featured in each building's webpage. The app is an embedded webmap that uses url parameters to add a specific marker symbol for each building.

Example Embed Code webmap=3c8015df0c3c484a96df7739a97ae967 &marker=-93.22... Check out the campus map to see how the pop ups link to the corresponding building pages.

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Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week, May 11 -18, 2017

Clayton County Fire Station Finder Try out the search with the address 112 Smith Street

If the app is taking some time to load, either wait or navigate to the embedded website. There is a mix of http and https content with the geonet site which is causing a longer than normal load time after the splach screen disapears.

Featured App Info

This weeks featured App is from Clayton County Georgia, and is embedded in the Clayton County Fire and Emergency Services website. This was built using the Information Lookup Configurable App. Users can input their address in the search and the app will return information about their station and headquarters in a side panel pop up.

App Design

This app has made some great configurations to help users understand how to easily use this app! The initial splash screen shows how to easily use the app with written instructions and an easy to use diagram. The search has been configured to search within the visible map as well as only addresses in the USA to ensure that users can only search for relevant addresses.

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Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week-  May 19-May 28, 2017

Priority Corridors| Collision Summaries

Click the Menu button to hide the side panel

Featured App Info

This weeks featured app was created by LADOT, using the Compare Analysis Configurable app. The data for this app is available on GeoHub

Why This App is Great: Awesome Web Cartography

    • The light grey basemap has good contrast with the Orange and Black symbols for Accidents and is coordinated with the grey theme of the web map.
    • The symbology used in the Vehicle and Pedestrian or Bicyclist maps use is the same so you can visually compare to two maps and quickly tell see the differences between the amount of both accident types.
    • The map and symbology speaks for itself, but if you need a quick look, hit the info button to display the legend.
    • You can Pan and Zoom to another area if interest and sync the extent of the map to ensure both maps are displaying the same area.
0 Kudos
Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week - May 29 - June 4, 2017

Racine County Land Information Gallery

Featured App Info

This weeks featured app is from Racine County using the Public Gallery app.

Why This App is Great: Fantastic Thumbnails and Search

    • This is a gallery app, so naturally it is an app of apps. To see more of their apps click on the thumbnails and navigate to the other great apps.
    • The thumbnails are unique and illustrative of the app that is accessed by clicking on the thumbnail.
    • There is a keyword search to help users find related apps. Try typing dog in the search bar. Racine County Recreation Gallery will be returned in the search results which has a Dog Park App.
    • The same thumbnails are used on their website to represent some maps.
0 Kudos
Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week June 5 - June 11, 2017

UC Riverside Campus Map| See the App in the wild!

Featured App Info

This weeks featured app is from UC Riverside using the Embedded web map/Minimalist app.

Why This App is Great: Awesome side Pop Ups and Use of Search URL

    • This App uses clear cartography to show different features on the UCR Campus!
    • If users want more information about a feature, they just need to click on a feature and additional information will display in a side panel pop up .
    • Some features like the Parking Lots have links to the location. This is a link to a location that uses the feature search url parameter to create a link to a specific feature. This specific url can be embedded into websites or directions if a specific location needs to be identified. Try Searching for Parking lot 19 and clicking on the location link.
    • There are also hyperlinks to helpful websites related to the features in the pop ups.
0 Kudos
Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week June 12 - June 18, 2017

Grand Canyon Trust Colorado Plateau Explorer| See the App in the wild!

Click on the image of the app to open the interactive app. Click on this link to interact with the app on its website

Featured App Info

This weeks featured apps are from the Grand Canyon Trust using the Map Tools app and a corresponding Elevation Profile app for selected Hikes. This app is embedded in the Grand canyon Trust hikes website to provide geographic context of where it's trails are located!

Why This App is Great: Unique look and feel with Custom CSS

    • The app uses clear cartographic symbols to display trails and campgrounds with minimal styling of the app, letting the features speak for themselves
    • The app uses custom CSS to provide a unique look and feel for both apps!
    • Each trail pop-up links to a web page for a specific trail that provides more information about the trail, and utilizes the Elevation Profile app to display the elevation profile of the hike
0 Kudos
Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week: June 19- June 25, 2017

How to Create a View/Edit Application| VDOT

Featured App Info

This weeks featured app of the week was created by Virginia Department of Transportation using the Story Map Cascade Configurable App. The App is part of VDOT's great training documents which use the Story Map Cascade to walk publishers through creating data and Maps!

Why This App is Fantastic: Great Content and Consistent Theme

    • This App walks users through every step from publishing to creating an application using ArcGIS Online
    • Section 3 outlines a specific workflow on how to create an editable and view only layer from the same source data!
    • This App is built using a standard Theme determined by VDOT, you'll notice the Orange and Blue in the app. Section 7 outlines how to use the same consistent theme.
    • Section 9 shows the sharing workflow to share the editable and view only layer with the correct audience
0 Kudos
Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week: June 26 - July 5, 2017

City of Azusa| See the App the Spotlight

Click on the image of the app to open the interactive app.

Featured App Info

This weeks featured apps are from the City of Azusa California using the Story Map Series app to display three unique maps about Fireworks Discharge Zones. This is a timely map top communicate the regulations and allowed discharge areas for the City of Azusa as the Fourth of July nears

Why This App is Great: Excellent Themes (Colours of the Apps and Related Concepts)

  • The app uses clear cartographic symbols to display where citizens are allowed and not allowed to discharge fireworks.
  • The symbology compliments the theme of the app using a similar blue in to represent the not allowed areas as in the theme of the app. Check out this link for colour suggestions
  • Uses three similarly themed maps to provide additional information about fireworks, like where to purchase them and where citizens have been fined in the past. This is a great way for users to view and find similar maps
0 Kudos
Esri Alum

Featured App of the Week

7 Deadliest Volcano's| by @Ian Wittenmyer

Featured App Info

For this week's featured app of the week, I'm cheating a bit and featuring a Geo List Configurable App, made by Esri Product Engineer, Ian Wittenmeyer! This app features some neat content, new features and some custom CSS

Why This App is Fantastic: Newspaper Theme and Overview Map

  • This App shows the deadliest Volcanic Eruptions on earth ranked by the largest death count using the Geo List configurable app. The data was downloaded from Data.Gov and then used the ranking feature in Geo List to show the 7 most deadly volcanos
  • An overview map was included to provide a larger context for each volcano's location in relation to the world as a whole.
  • Custom CSS was used to add a background that matched the Newspaper style Vector Tile Map in the side panel and center the title: #title, .repeat-title {     text-align: center;     font-size: 38px; }#sidebar {     height: 100%;     background-image: url("https://server/images/newspaper.png");     background-repeat: repeat; }
  • Background and text colors of app UI have enough contrast to pass WCAG AA accessibility guidelines
  • Customized the text for each page to help orient users so it reads: “Ranked the #7 deadliest eruption” Instead of: “Rank 7 of 7”
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