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File size limit for importing workbooks in Enterprise 10.7.1

07-15-2022 06:32 AM
New Contributor II

I have some workbook templates that I want to import in ArcGIS Insights in Enterprise 10.7.1. Some of them are 1,000 to 2,000 KB some are 30,000 to 40,000 KB. I could import the smaller files but not the larger ones. Is there a file size limit in Enterprise 10.7.1? Do you have any suggestions or workaround? I should add that I could import the same files in ArcGIS Online but I need them in Enterprise for Cityworks Analytics. Any suggestion is greatly appreciated. Thank you!

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6 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi @Carmen0,

Do you recall the error/message you were receiving when uploading the files? I don't have an answer yet, but if you are seeing this message: 

"The dataset contains too many records. Try reducing the size of your dataset."

Could it be that your dataset has more than 250,000 records (default maximum unless changed by the Enterprise Administrator, I believe)? 

If so, you may be able to get around this problem by having your administrator increase the "max_feature_copy_limit" setting. 

I may be leading you down the wrong path, as I'm not an Enterprise expert. But this website may be helpful.

If not, sorry. Hopefully someone else can be of more help.

Please let me know if this isn't the issue. I'll start asking people I know who may have better ideas. 🙂

Thank you for using ArcGIS Insights!

Ian Muehlenhaus
Location Analytics
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New Contributor II

Hi @Ian_Muehlenhaus,

Thank you for getting back to me. I do not get any error messages, just those five dots that are moving for 2-3 seconds and then nothing. These are workbook templates sent by Cityworks to use in Cityworks Analytics 4.0. They do not have more than 250,000 records in the tables but they include charts, maps, summary tables, templates that we should populate with our own data. I am thinking that maybe there is a file size limit. 

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Esri Contributor

@Carmen0 -

Were you able to resolve this issue? I don't think file size would the issue here since 10.7.1 increased the upload size limit from 1GB to 200 GB.

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New Contributor II

@Scott_Aulen , thank you for your reply! I still have this issue. If not the file size then, what would be the issue? Can you point me to the right direction? Resources, person(s), documentation. 

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Esri Contributor

Do you happen to know what version of Insights the templates were created with? I think the issue might be that the version of Insights isn't compatible with 10.7.1.


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New Contributor II

That might be the issue, although I was able to import the smaller size files (1GB and 2GB). It's only the large files that do not import. 

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