[FormatCore : 01001F] Error: C:\my\temp.gdb\500m_Yr_Avg_MD: Process of gathering information to generate RPDef failed. ( location=FormatCore.dll:imagebackend.cpp:ESRI::ImageServer::RasterBase::Private::ImageBackend::getInformation:120;lasterror=0;cerr=2;thread=12EC ) [ServiceEditor.ImageService.AddRaster : 001C1D] Error: Could not add Raster 'C:\my\temp.gdb\500m_Yr_Avg_MD'. [GenericRPDefGenerator.GenerateRPDefs : 00A80F] Error: Could not extract Raster Format Information for: 'C:\my\temp.gdb\500m_Yr_Avg_MD'.
Don't create a raster catalog first. Simply create a new mosaic dataset, then load your data and go from there. If you create a reference mosaic dataset to a raster catalog, the output is not a full grown mosaic dataset.
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