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Metadata and Open data

02-27-2015 10:48 AM
Occasional Contributor

Are there any plans to include the metadata in a xml format as part of the shapefile download? This should be very important to users.

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3 Replies
Frequent Contributor

Hi Aparna,

Thanks for your question. We do have plans for this feature. It is in our backlog and likely to be completed during Q2 of this year.

Daniel Fenton

Product Engineer | Open Data

Occasional Contributor

Thanks Daniel for your reply. This functionality would be welcome indeed!

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Hi Aparna,

I've been able to program around this issue by including an HTML hyperlink tag in the service item description to the HTML, and I'm sure it would work for XML, version of the metadata that is saved on our servers. For Example:

<a href="" target=_blank>For metadata, click here</a>

Its at least a stop gap until ESRI gets their metadata engine for OpenData up and running.
