Working on a Final Lab about the terrain of Nanga Parbat, can anyone help?
Thank you
Hi Ruben,
have you had a look at this?
It might be helpful.
Identify Landslide Risk Areas in Colorado | Learn ArcGIS
Calculate Landslide Risk for Communities Affected by Wildfires | Learn ArcGIS
Maybe this could be helpful as well - there are models to download?
Ruben Perez - I feel like maybe your question is in the wrong area/forum at GeoNet? I could be wrong. But, you may want to find a more appropriate discussion area if you are looking for more answers. This GeoNet community is for questions most directly about the "ArcGIS Hub" product. You may want to seek help in the training community?
I'm not saying to take your question elsewhere - I have no problem with this thread continuing in the Hub community - but it may be less traveled by the gurus of landslide modeling