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Data Downloads from HUB site not working

08-28-2020 08:17 AM
Regular Contributor

I just built my first HUB site to make it easier to share data with outside entities. However, I have a big issue. When I go to download certain layers (such as our city limits or ETJ polygons), only certain file types will download successfully. In general, the file geodatabase type and spreadsheet data will download just fine, but if I try to download as a shapefile or KML, the download button just shows that it is downloading "hangs". 

I haven't tested every layer, but it seems that some work fine (like our City Council Districts), and some do not .

Here is the link to the site if you want to try it out yourself: Cibolo GIS Open Data 

Any tips?

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14 Replies
Esri Alum

Not necessarily since I am able to reproduce the issue. Content owners have several options to try and fix downloads that don't work, but we will look into this issue. I apologize that I do not have a solution at the moment.

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Regular Contributor

I've had similar issues with our Open Data Portal.  Some of our larger datasets quite simply hang forever when users attempt to download them.  I'm pretty confident that it's not an issue with the way the data is formatted or the inclusion of m and z values, because the same data will often work if we break it into smaller pieces.  For example, our seven-county building footprints file wouldn't download (observed for up to an hour with no sign of an actual download beginning), so we split it out into seven separate county files, and those worked fine.  I had assumed that there was some designed or de facto limit on the size of dataset that the Open Data Portal can functionally work with, but if there's a way to get large datasets to download properly, it would save us a considerable amount of data maintenance work on our end. 

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Esri Alum

Hi Bill,

In the spring we upgraded our download system to handle larger and more complex datasets. File creation time can take up to several hours when there are millions of records or very complex geometry. The new UI we are about to release will give users the option to download a previous version or create a new one, which will take some time. But there may a problem creating the dataset you're mentioning due to other circumstances or the file type. Can you provide a link to large dataset that you've had issues with?

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Those are the newest versions of our building footprints and building points layers.  We tried putting them in the Open Data Portal as-is, but they both hung on download.  We settled for adding the zipped file geodatabases that were used to upload them into the Open Data Portal, because those downloads worked (at least until recently, I've posted about the issues with them in a separate thread, and I plan to submit a support ticket about an apparent bug related to them soon)

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Esri Alum

Thanks Bill,

I opening those items in ArcGIS Online's Map Viewer also didn't seem to render quickly, so I imagine the number of records and complexity of the building footprint geometry would reasonably lead to a longer time for creating download files. Feel free to open a support ticket for the items not downloading in Hub and we can see if the issue is because of the size or something else.

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