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Introducing metadata fallbacks for creator and organization labels

07-28-2022 06:06 AM
Esri Contributor
2 4 723

Displaying relevant metadata is critical for establishing trust and understanding from your site’s users. That is why we are introducing the ability to set the label for both the creator and organization on content view pages. Soon, Hub will prioritize contact values from item metadata to generate these labels. When a value is missing, ArcGIS Hub will fall back to the next best option just as it does today. We recommend that you review your current item metadata, take advantage of this capability, and let us know what other metadata configurations you would like to see.

In this blog post we will briefly explain what happens today, what is changing, what you need to know, and what's coming next.


What happens today?

Today, when you look below the title on a content view page, you will see labels for the item’s creator (owner) and the item’s organization (source). In certain cases, when metadata are missing or a user or an organization are private, ArcGIS Hub will show a fallback value such as “Private Member” or “private organization.”

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Above is a screenshot of the Tahoe Layers content view page in ArcGIS Hub. The existing owner and organization item details are shown in the creator and organization labels.


What is changing?

We know how much work ArcGIS Hub content managers put into metadata. So we want to start putting it to use in more places. Certain customers may have a team member who creates content for their Hub site, but may not want their name displayed. This is the perfect opportunity to update the item metadata and change the label that your users will see.

In addition to the existing fallback mentioned above, ArcGIS Hub will prioritize certain item metadata fields in the label. If an item has “citation” or “contact” metadata, then ArcGIS Hub will use these values. This will allow content managers to manually set owner and organization information. This behavior aligns the content view pages with existing web help documentation in the ArcGIS Hub FAQ section.

To do this, update an item’s metadata and ArcGIS Hub will use the fallback listed below:

Creator label

  • Item metadata
    • Resource > Citation > Contact > Individual Name
    • Resource > Contact > Individual Name
    • Metadata > Contact > Individual Name
  • Item owner’s full name
  • "Private Member" (only applicable if Item owner is private)

Organization label

  • Item metadata
    • Resource / Citation / Contact / Organization Name
    • Resource / Contact / Organization Name
    • Metadata / Contact / Organization Name
  • Item’s organization name
  • "Private Organization" (only applicable if item’s organization is private)
  • "External Organization" (only applicable if content is from an external organization)


Screen Shot 2022-07-27 at 10.26.59 AM.png

Above is a screenshot of the Metadata editor in ArcGIS Online for the Tahoe Layers item. We have added contact values for the “Individual Name” and “Organization Name” fields.


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Above is a screenshot of the Tahoe Layers content view page in ArcGIS Hub. The newly added metadata fields are shown in the creator and organization labels.


What do I need to know?

On Tuesday August 9th, this change will go into effect with the weekly scheduled release.  We listened and decided to make a few changes before release. The ArcGIS Hub team is developing an option for users to specify which value they want for display. By default, this option will use the full fallback above, but users will be able to specify a value. Stay tuned to this blog post for updates on this setting and the release date.


What’s coming next?

The ArcGIS Hub team has heard from users who want the ability to customize and configure what is displayed on content view pages. Such requests include the ability to hide certain metadata fields, remove links, or manually set the values. The ArcGIS Hub team is in the planning phase for this work and we're gathering requirements from our users.Stay tuned for future developments!

If you have an idea for a configuration that you would like to see on the content view pages, add a comment on this blog and submit an idea on the ArcGIS Hub Ideas board so that other members of the community can comment and give kudos for your idea.


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About the Author
Thomas Hervey is working on search, discovery, content management, and interoperability tools in support of community collaboration and engagement on the ArcGIS Hub and Enterprise Sites team.