ArcGIS Hub to add new tracking and consent settings for sites

03-23-2021 01:57 PM
Esri Contributor
1 9 4,035
UPDATE: Previous versions of this article stated that consent notice and product footer functionality would be released on March 30th, 2021. This post has been updated to reflect a new release data of April 1st, 2021.  
Having views and sessions data is useful to understanding how your Hub sites perform over time. ArcGIS Hub collects this data for you using Hub Activity Tracking, optional tracking that powers your site's dashboard and helps us to improve ArcGIS Hub features and functionality. In addition to this out-of-the-box tracking, you can also add a tracking ID to your site's settings to analyze performance in Google Analytics. 

New privacy measures, such as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), establish guidelines for how site owners inform visitors of the tracking services they use. For this reason, the Hub team is releasing new settings on Tuesday April 1st, 2021 designed to help you follow policy regulations around tracking and consent when using Hub Activity Tracking and/or your own provider tracking. These updates include the following: 

A consent notice
A consent notice allows visitors to accept or reject any Hub Activity Tracking and/or Google Analytics tracking used on a site. This consent notice will not appear to visitors upon arrival unless you enable it in your site’s settings. The notice will always be available to visitors so that they can review or modify their selection by clicking the Manage Privacy link in the new product footer.

 Screen Shot 2021-03-17 at 4.30.32 PM.png


Copy is provided for sites using Hub Activity Tracking and includes a link to the Esri Privacy Statement. You can optionally add your own disclaimer text and privacy policy link to the notice. If the site doesn't use any tracking, the notice informs visitors that they're not being tracked. By default, the consent notice adopts your site’s theme, but you can change its styling to black and white.

A product footer
On the day of release, a new gray product footer will appear below any custom footer on all new and existing sites, pages, and views. Whether the site uses tracking or not, this low-profile footer cannot be removed, ensuring that visitors always have convenient access to a Manage Privacy link for viewing the site’s consent notice.
For additional resources, see Tracking and consent FAQs. Questions? Let us know in the comments!
Occasional Contributor III

This update seems to have broken the Google Analytics part in the Settings. My GA tracking ID I previously added is now gone from the field and even if I update it again and Save/Publish, it is not honoured...

Esri Contributor

@zkovacs thanks for reaching out, I'm not seeing this behavior on production sites but that doesn't mean you aren't experiencing the issue.  Reach out to me at, if your site is public and I can confirm if the Tracking ID is being stored on the site as expected.

Occasional Contributor III

Hi Brian,

The Hub site is for a confidential project so it's not publicly available. I have logged a ticket with the support team so hopefully we can get to the bottom of the issue.

Occasional Contributor

I can confirm the new update broke the GA settings; no matter what you put in there and save, it disappears after saving and publishing the draft. Other thing is I can't modify the Custom Usage Disclaimer and the Privacy Policy Link is not honored as well.



Occasional Contributor III

Oh yes, just checking those too Milton mentioned and they don't work either. Neither the text nor the link is honoured...

Occasional Contributor III

@MiltonSolano: Can you try the below and let me know the results?

- Check if you can Clone your site in Hub. Link (This fails for me.)

- Create a new dummy/test Site and check if your GA Tracking ID is honoured. (It is for me.)

It would really help my ticket with Support if you could let me know. Thanks!



@Anonymous User: just linking you up with this in case you have any suggestions to try.

Occasional Contributor

Hey @zkovacs , I just checked my website and now it seems to accept the GA code and NOW is allowing me to modify and save the Privacy notice and link. It seems everything is working now and I didn't do anything at all. I'll keep an eye on my site. You can see it live here: 

I hope yours is fixed by now.


Occasional Contributor III

Hi @MiltonSolano 

Thanks for the update. I just had a look and it does work for me again now. For the record, these things don't just stop and then magically start working again, it must have been fixed. I just hope that the upcoming AGOL update won't break things again...

Edit: AGOL was updated last night which must've fixed the GA tracking issue.

Occasional Contributor

Hola @zkovacs ,

I agree with you these issues are not resolved on their own. Maybe our comments set in motion modifications to these settings and now are working properly.

Anyway, I'm really grateful to the Hub developer team for their excellent work developing this platform. As you said, the new coming updates looks great and let's hope everything will roll out fine.


About the Author
Writer on the ArcGIS Hub team