Poll an arcgis server for feature not returning count

03-01-2023 07:41 AM
Occasional Contributor II

Hi All, 

I am using  Poll an ArcGIS Server for Features input connector to ingest data from a feature service, and I am able to see the count in input however, when I publish a geoevent service with just a stream service as output the count does not change, and remains 0.  On looking at the logs it says Error while retrieving features from <service name>.

I am able to query the feature service from REST end point as well as visualize features on map and I am also able to validate the data store.

Attaching screenshots for reference. 


I came across this link https://community.esri.com/t5/arcgis-geoevent-server-questions/monitor-in-out-count/td-p/114044 as well and, I tried deleting the service as well as input and republishing it and configuring the input however, still getting the same error. 

Am I missing something here as am quite new to geoevent. 

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