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SharePoint 2010, Windows Server 2008/R2 cannot add both web parts

06-23-2010 10:44 AM
New Contributor
I'm running Windows Server 2008/R2 with SharePoint 2010 Enterprise. I have installed the ArcGIS Geolist Web Part and ArcGIS Map Web Part on the main portal. Going to a site and selecting edit page I see the "Add a Web Part" links in the zones on the page. I click on the link and selecting either ArcGIS web part places it in the page. After doing this the page editing controls become inactive (grayed out). The Edit button loses its icon altogether. Clicking on the "Add a Web Part" in any zone results in absolutely nothing happening. After adding the first web part, at the bottom left of IE I get a warning "Done, but with errors on page." I just go up to the pull down arrow of the ArcGIS web part and select Delete. Once the web part is deleted the pages editing controls on the ribbon become active again. I can add other web parts, as many as I want without any problem. This only occurs when I add in either ArcGIS web part. Any help to resolve this problem would be appreciated.
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14 Replies
New Contributor
I'm sorry, but I haven't been able to reproduce this situation.
If you are still experiencing problems please open a Tech Support call at


Bob Hazelton
Esri | Product Manager

Phone: 909-793-2853 ext. 1-3954
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New Contributor III
I'm encountering this same issue & I'll definitely be interested in working through to a solution.
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New Contributor II
I have the exact same problem. I'm on server standard 2008, SQL server 2008 and sharepoint 2010 enterprise. I get the little 'yield' sign saying there is an error. Says I have an unexpected ')'. As soon as I remove the ESRI web parts the error disappears. Behaves exactly as described above. The edit page feature no longer works. Please advise.
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New Contributor
I thought that this issue sounded a bit familiar. It is a JavaScript issue within the SharePoint page.
What browser and version are you running?
0 Kudos
New Contributor II
I thought that this issue sounded a bit familiar. It is a JavaScript issue within the SharePoint page.
What browser and version are you running?

Same result with IE 8 or Firefox 3.6.3

Webpage error details

User Agent: Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 8.0; Windows NT 6.1; WOW64; Trident/4.0; SLCC2; .NET CLR 2.0.50727; .NET CLR 3.5.30729; .NET CLR 3.0.30729; Media Center PC 6.0; .NET4.0C; .NET4.0E; InfoPath.3)
Timestamp: Wed, 11 Aug 2010 19:11:39 UTC

Message: Expected '('
Line: 1050
Char: 40
Code: 0
0 Kudos
New Contributor II
Another anomaly just found. On any SharePoint 2010 site where I have the map web part, not only do I get the Java error as described above, but the My Site and My Profile link from my username in the upper right corner are no longer there. As soon as I remove the ESRI web part, these 2 options come back. There must be a code fix for this. Please advise.

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New Contributor II
Anyone have a resolution to this yet? Hate that I have these killer ESRI sharepoint modules activated and can't use any of them. Please advise. Thanks

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Esri Contributor
Unfortunately we've been unable to reproduce the problems mentioned in this forum thread regarding the ArcGIS SharePoint 1.1.1 product on SharePoint 2010.  On that note, ESRI will release version 2.0 of the ArcGIS SharePoint product for SharePoint 2010 in late September.   All active development for the SharePoint 2010 platform is going into the 2.0 product.   We do have a limited beta program for ArcGIS SharePoint 2.0.  Let me know if you would like to participate.     
-Rex Hansen
Esri | Product Lead, ArcGIS SharePoint
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by Anonymous User
Not applicable
Thanks Rex for the update about what's coming down the road in SharePoint mapping. For those running into problems in v1.1.1 ArcGIS Mapping for SharePoint (in SharePoint 2010), I set up a Window's Server 2008 R2 Machine and here is my experience.  I did see a JavaScript error on the page, but I did not experience any functionality issues when saving the mapping web part.

-My Profile link and username in the upper right corner remained on the page

-For those who have hit this problem I recommend start troubleshooting your installation.  Keep in mind the Setup / Install does not involve the SPConfigUtility.exe file.  Rather it involves only the Stsadm command-line tool and some activation steps which are all outlined in the PDF that ships with the 1.1.1 bundle

-Lastly in SharePoint 2010, make sure the Page Tab is active when editing the page at large.  Should you want to edit the Map Web Part make sure you hover over the upper right corner of the map section (around the clean blue line) which will bring up your editing options.  Notice when you hover away the editing options are hidden so the map is not obstructed.

Note: Jeff since I know your now using the new ArcGIS SharePoint 2.0 Beta I will reach out to you via phone to check on things.  Hope you are enjoying it, kudos to the Dev Team.


Doug Carroll, ESRI Support Services SDK Team
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