I am using the ArcGIS for Power BI visual in Power BI. I have a table with coordinates that I am using for the location data, but I don't want those coordinates to be available in the pop-up window when you select a location or the data exports. Is there a way to hide that sensitive information?
I have seen other ways to hide data in Power BI, but nothing that will work well for coordinates or addresses from what I can see.
Is there a way to hide this sensitive data?
Thanks in advance for any assistance with this.
Lisa D.
Hi @LisaDygert
I'm not sure how this would be possible, since the viewer of the report needs access to those columns in order for them to display on the visual. We can look at an enhancement to hide the XY in the tooltips, but the report viewer would still need to be able to access them so they can be mapped.
It would be comparable to doing a chart on sales data, but not giving the user access to the sales data. If there's a way to lock it down like that, where its used in the visual but not accessible in the table that would work, but I'm not aware of how to do this in Power BI.