Looking for community help. I am new to ArcGIS and am attempting to use it in Power BI. I have a dataset with shape coordinates. I do not know how to get this to work with ArcGIS. Do I need to create a JSON type file?
Has anyone worked with the ArcGIS through PBI beore?
Any help would be very appreciated.
You won't be able to use shapefiles directly into ArcGIS for Power BI. You will need to convert it into a format that Power BI accepts. You can also add it into ArcGIS Online and have it as a referenced layer.
If you aren't able to use AGOL and the PowerBI connectors, you can use an arcpy script to copy the layer and add a text column to hold the geometry as JSON. eg/
arcpy.AddField_management(featureclass, "Geometry_JSON", field_type="TEXT", field_length="2147483647")
with arcpy.da.UpdateCursor(featureclass, ['SHAPE@JSON', "Geometry_JSON"]) as cursor:
for row in cursor:
if (row[0] is not None:
row[1] = row[0]
To extend @LeslieUK's comment - if you have it available as an ArcGIS hosted feature layer, you can leverage the ArcGIS Connector for Power Automate to read all of the features and package it up as a Power BI dataset, including geometry. This will allow you to have it be more interactive with the other visualizations than if you were using it as a reference layer. Here is a post on using the ArcGIS Connectors for Power Automate to get Custom Geometry in Power BI.