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AGOL Basemap not displaying in Power BI

09-28-2018 05:43 AM
New Contributor II

Hi Scott,

I'm trying to load my own AGOL basemap but only the image in my basemap appears in the visualisation window of Power BI. The basemap is a web map I created in AGOL, and as well as the standard Esri imagery, contains a number of hosted feature layers (vector layers).

Is there something I need to do at the AGOL end to ensure that the basemap displays in its entirety, or is a 'multi-layered' basemap not supported in the current ArcGIS integration with Power BI?



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2 Replies
Esri Regular Contributor

Hey Nevin - yes, the 'multi-layered' nature of the basemap is what I think is the issue. The ArcGIS Map visual doesn't support multi-layer maps or services. 

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New Contributor II

Hi Scott,

Thanks for getting back to me.

Are there any plans for this to change in the near future? And is there a development roadmap that you might be able to share for ArcGIS Map integration? It would be great to know what this would look like.


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