I have a shapefile of Postcodes and wish to add my data (Postcode category and Population) to the #shapefile and then upload it as a public reference layer so I can use the #reference layer in a #Power BI/ArcGis Map visualisation.
The question I have is how do you edit a shapefile?
Hey Steven - the easiest way is to upload the shapefile to a map in ArcGIS Online, make your edits there, then save the layer that you want to use as a reference map in Power BI.
Here are some links to the ArcGIS Online help doc that might be helpful:
Do you have ArcGIS online for Organizations license? or are you using the free version.
I'm using the ArcGis Free account to try and create the Reference Layer but, I have a Power BI Plus account for ArcGis... which doesn't have content creation capabilities (I think?).
I don't think that you have the full functionality of the AGOL account. You won't be able to get the full ArcGIS Online functionality for $5/mo using the PBI Plus account. ArcGIS Online | Pricing would be needed to do the edits and publish FAQ: Can a user with a public account publish hosted feature services to ArcGIS Online? You can also use free tools such as QGIS to make and edit your shapefile. You can convert shapefile to a format which is used by PBI in the shapemap visual, but not the Esri Map Visual. Solved: Re: From Shapefile to TopoJSON for shape map - Microsoft Power BI Community
Sorry to bother you again. I've signed up for an ArcGis Online Account now because the POwer BI subscription was not going to do what I required. However, I'm having difficulty creating the map in the Online service. Every time I upload the shapefile of Postcode boundaries I get an "unable to import file" error. The shapefile source is the ABS and it specifies the file as being Esri format.
That aside, I can import the shapefile and create the overlay in ArcGis desktop. However, when exporting the layer to the ArcGis service I can't see the reference layer file in the list of available layers in my content or organisation content. What format should I be saving the layer in so I can see it in Power BI?
This is the map I've created in desktop
Here is the listing of layers of different forms I've uploaded to the online service.
And this is what I'me seeing in Power BI when I'm signed into my ArcGis online account.
I would appreciate any help in pointing me in the right direction.
Hey Steven - looks like you are publishing vector tile packages, web maps, and layer packages. At this time Maps for Power BI only support feature services - so you will need to publish your polygons as a hosted feature service. See the help doc for more info.
G'day Scott,
Unfortunately, I don't seem able to get past the first base with this. I can see when uploading to ArcGis Online where the file is saved as a "Publish this file as a hosted layer" file when you add a file. However, I'm not sure how I output a file from ArcGis Pro to get to the upload stage. Each time I've tried to publish I get the following error and there's nothing to indicate how to save the layer as a shapefile (or any other file type) in Pro (that I can find).