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Recording data coming in and out of different views

a week ago
Occasional Contributor

Hello all,

I have been experimenting with Power Automate and the connectors for ArcGIS to create a waypoint change log that sends data to an Excel sheet simply to record all features that have had a change made to them. The PA is tied to the primary editable feature layer view that the end users see and make edits on. So far, it has been working well! However I have hit a fairly significant roadblock...

Our workflow is that we don't allow users to delete data out of the database; rather, we have a field called the "Recycle Bin" that data can be "Marked as deleted," which will make the data disappear as if it was deleted, but can be retrieved in another view if needed.

The issue I am running into is that data that is marked as "deleted" does not get captured in the changelog I created in PA on that view layer the end user edits. I also tried making another flow on the view that has just the "deleted" points, and still no luck. Lastly, I tried to set it up on the master feature layer and got the same result. Any ideas on how to get around this? Thanks!

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1 Reply
MVP Regular Contributor

If it's changing a field to filter it out, then I would try using the Fetch updates, changes, or deletions from feature layer action in Power Automate, you should be able to do this connected to the main feature layer your data is stored in. You can use this action to grab what has been changed.

The trigger would be When a record is updated in a feature layer if you want to trigger it any time a change is made.

The issue I have found with views is if the view is the source of the update, it won't trigger the webhook attached to the main layer. I've set up to 2 parent and a child flows to have the multi trigger (I was worried two entirely separate flows would cause duplicates as I have no idea how the change table works on the back end).

You might use a WHERE clause or a condition statement to only use the features that have been marked as "Deleted" in your layer though. Anything else I'd need to get a better idea of what the whole work flow is and see your flow.

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