ArcGIS for Excel - Add by Geography

11-21-2022 04:54 PM
Occasional Contributor II

I am working with ArcGIS for excel, and am recently not able to "add from excel" with the geography location type. I have 26 Neighborhood polygons in a AGOL feature layer that I am trying to display in Excel (using Arcgis for Excel). The excel table has the exact same 26 Neighborhood polygons of the same type (text).  The join field in Excel and AGOL is identical type.  When I set up the Geography and assign the correct fields and hit "Add to Map", it flashes the table, then disappears and nothing shows up on my map...the connection is not made. Several of us have tried this with multiple datasets, knowing the join fields are of identical type and clean join, and nothing happens in Excel.  No features show up, no join happens.  This was working perfectly several weeks ago, so we can not figure out what has changed to no longer allow us to connect to and AGOL feature layer in Excel and map data. It just defaults back to the "Add layers to your map to start" screen.

2 Replies
New Contributor II

Same here...this feature no longer works for me since the update 

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Esri Contributor

A fix is pushed to production related to adding polygon layers on A4Excel Map. Please check whether it solved the issue on your end.

ArcGIS for Excel Team
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