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Date in Pop Ups - ArcGIS for Excel vs. ArcGIS Online

09-21-2022 02:16 PM
Regular Contributor

When creating a map in ArcGIS for Excel the pop up shows the correct date (short date).  

When shared as hosted feature service in ArcGIS online,  the date in the pop up is converted to a number.  This did not happen in ArcGIS for Office.  

Any idea why this is happening now?  Is there an easy fix to this?  Is there some setting I am missing? Is it a bug?

Using Microsoft 365, ArcGIS for Excel

See attachment for example.

Revision 9/28:  I just added an attachment of an example of pop-up from map in ArcGIS online.  There are 2 different date fields, one comes in as text string and one comes correctly as a date field.  The cells in excel are the same - set to date format.  

Thanks, Elizabeth


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2 Replies
Esri Contributor

Hi, this is a bug. Thanks for informing us. I'll update this post once the fix for the issue is pushed to Production. Thank you!

ArcGIS for Excel Team
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Esri Contributor

The issue is fixed in production.

ArcGIS for Excel Team
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