I'm tying to understand what's going on under the hood with projections and transformations when I use Field Maps for high-accuracy data collection. I've read through this article in detail with the lure of being able to walk away from post-processing workflows by being able to collect in high-accuracy using external Bluetooth GNSS receivers and mobile devices.
I've noticed that I can publish a hosted FeatureLayer in a variety of coordinate systems and enable them for editing so that I can add them into a map used for data collection in Field Maps. However, when setting up a location profile in the settings, the documentation indicates that the Map coordinate system is determined by the basemap it uses.
So that leads to my first question, if my layer is in a projection other than that of the basemap, and my NTRIP provider is in yet another coordinate system, is my data being projected/transformed twice?
Specific example. Let's say I have a hosted FeatureLayer that was published from pro in GCS NAD 1983 2011 (EPSG: 6318) and then I add it to a map with a basemap that is in WGS 1984 Web Mercator Auxiliary Sphere (EPSG: 3857). Then, I set up a location profile in Field Maps using EPSG 6318 as the GNSS coordinate system (the one used by my NTRIP correction service that I don't have ability to change) and EPSG 3857 as the Map coordinate system (because that's what the ESRI basemaps are in), and the horizontal datum transformation as ~WGS_1984_(ITRF08)_To_NAD_1983_2011.
In my understanding of this, the following steps would occur when I collect a point:
- Corrected location is received from the receiver in EPSG 6318
- Field Maps uses the transformation supplied in the location profile to project the point to that of the basemap (EPSG 3857)
- Field Maps sends the point to the FeatureLayer service
- ArcGIS Online receives the point in EPSG 3857 and detects that it does not match the coordinate system of the FeatureLayer
This is the point at which I'm unsure of what's happening and I'm wondering if someone could answer my second question: Does ArcGIS Online use the top transformation from the list to project the point back to the coordinate system of the FeatureLayer (EPSG 6318) or does it use some other default? Without knowing what's going on under the hood, I can't truly report my accuracy or the method in which my data was projected.
Thanks in advance for supplementing the available documentation so I can make this switch to more efficient data collection without loosing some of the important details.